CT angiogram

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Has anyone had any experience with a CT angiogram? I know I had CT scan the day before my surgery but I don't know what type...they said something about a 64 slice? My wife's cardiologist said that my wifes symptoms,so far, doesn't seem to be heart related. He said he was leaning more towards esophogeal spasms? He said tho that he did not feel comfortable about her description of her symptoms and he can not rule out 100% so he's not stopping til he does. He said that not all insurance companies will cover the CT Angiogram..He said he would like to do either/or that or a Heart Cath. He also wants her to see a Gastroenterologist so to rule in or out the GI connection. She did feel good after the visit. She felt like he wasn't just brushing us off. We also saw one of his "Fellow" while we were there who also does the electrophysiology? The guys that do the Ablation procedure for SVT's. I don't like being the one worrying about the loved one! It's much easier being the patient.
Hi Johnny,

I have had a few CT Angio's. They are fabulous to look at and are done on the 64slice CT machine which refers to the amount of pics/images per second they take . The end result being what looks like a 3D photograph of the heart and surrounding bits. They can even measure and see the plaque in our vessels and also leaks. This is mine 'after' my surgery, you can clearly see the by-pass & where my new Dacron Aorta joins my original one., unfortunately I couldnt post a 3D one.
Johnny, I don't know particularly about the CT angiogram, but have read about the 'slices'. They take pictures in 'slices' with this new technology.

If your wife has GERD, that could explain chest pains. (GERD is gastro esophageal reflux disease). You can go on the net and look it up - just type in GERD and you will find bunches of stuff to explore for explanation of it. I have it and sometimes get chest pain or pain in that little indention at the base of my throat. I have even been to the ER thinking it was heart pain.

The angiogram ought to answer some questions but they are definitely on a track to rule out heart problems. Good luck to you both.

PS, If she has GERD, she needs to not eat after late afternoon, eat several small meals during the day instead of 3 big ones, raise the head of your bed up about six inches (only thing is, you slide off the foot of the bed). This is what my doctors told me to do. There's medicine for this condition.
I'm crossing my fingers that it's not going to be heart related. Let us know what you decide to do with the testing.
As Ton said, the CT angiogram( 64 slice) gives wonderful clear pictures of the heart. But unfortunately it is true that many insurance companies won't pay for it. You might check into the cost if that is the case.

Many doctors don't feel it is quite as good as a catheterization (yet) but it is pretty good and is non-invasive unlike the cath.

It is a very easy test.....just an IV and hold your breath for 10 seconds and it is done. Really amazing.

Hope they can determine what is going on with your wife soon, and that it is something easily remedied.
A friend of a friend with whom I correspond since she also had a mitral valve repair, as I did, had a CT angiogram and it seemed to show clogged arteries. So, they then did a cardiac catherization to make sure, and it was negative - no clogged arteries! So, I guess the catherization is more accurate.
Thanks Gang...well, its a no-go on the CT scan.....GHP won't pay for it..Doctor prefers and is going to schedule her next week for the Heart Cath and get it over with....I'm glad, she's nervous....I don't know why I wasn't nervous about it. I'm nervous about hers cause I have to be in the waiting room! Not sure what day she's going to have it.

We are currently begging our National Medicare people to get a refund/rebate on these Ct's...they have recently taken them off the list (idiots, dunno why) mine was $625.00 AUD.

I hope all goes well for your wife and it ends up being something simple...

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