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Well I take a few days off from the forum over Easter and all hell seems to have broken loose! Seems like there's been a couple of cans of worms opened that have caused all sorts of mayhem and chaos!! Kinda makes me glad I was enjoying the peace and quiet at home (..and I was VERY good and didn't indulge in ANY Easter eggs (although my S/O did get me an assorted pack of Lindt chokkies - YUM!!!)..).

Anyhoo - hope y'all had a lovely Easter..... even if you ended up with knots in yer knickers!

Cheers all
Anna : )
....oh c'mon!!! When are you guys going to learn to speak English..!?? :D ;) :D

A "chokkie" is a chocolate, of course. And please don't tell me you've not heard of (or tasted) Lindt. It is without a doubt the MOST SCRUMPTIOUS chocolate on the planet!!!

....I can see an Aussie/American dictionary in the works........

A ; )
Abbanabba said:
....oh c'mon!!! When are you guys going to learn to speak English..!?? :D ;) :D

A "chokkie" is a chocolate, of course. And please don't tell me you've not heard of (or tasted) Lindt. It is without a doubt the MOST SCRUMPTIOUS chocolate on the planet!!!

....I can see an Aussie/American dictionary in the works........

A ; )

Shoot, we still trying to finish the South Gerga dictionery. Them folk still keep cuming up with new wurds. Didn't know what your Aussie (hope that isn't nasty slang :eek: ) talk meant either Mate. Watched a lot of TV and movies, especially "Crocodile Dundie", but don't remember those words popping up in the conversation :D . Only reason we know what a "barbie (sp)" is comes from advertisement for Outback Restaurant :rolleyes: . Maybe I'll tell the wife we need to go there to do "research" :D . Feel a good meal coming on.

May God Bless,

I missed all the excitement!

I missed all the excitement!

The forum tells me I haven't visited since 2/11/05, so it looks as if I missed all the fireworks!

I've been through the medical mill since January - 3 times told I might have cancer in various parts of me! But everything was negative.

Had a Very Happy Easter with my family.

Hope you all did, too.
We have Lindt here, and not just the fuzzy kind you find in your pockets. We have a Lindsor shop locally. Incredible "chokkies," including the ones that have coriander mixed in. Who would think to add that to chocolate? Incredible.

My favorites chocolates are Mozartkugeln, though, with the pistachio marzipan in the center. Rieber probably makes the best of those.

I had half of a small-size (maybe 5cm x 3cm) Russel Stover coconut cream egg. I tried to feel sorry for the baby coconut who would never hatch, but I failed to feel a thing...

Best wishes,

Has it been that long???? Good to see you back and glad all the tests were negative. It sure seems sometimes that our bodies are out to "KILL US". We just got to keep fighting.

We sure had a great Easter, got to spend it with some of the grandkids. I hope and pray I have plenty more Easters to enjoy. Grandkids are holding at three :) . Guess the trees are just about ready to bud up there. When I was up there, I was so surprised how quick things went from bare branches to full green trees.

May God Bless,

Thanks, Danny

Thanks, Danny

Thanks - I feel better now that I know I am ok. The medical tests seem to find every little suspicious thing and a person has no choice but to follow through to make sure the lumps wherever they may be, are nothing.

Hey, my brother told me they have peeps that are filled with chocolate? Unfortunately, we didn't see those up here in Alaska. Did anyone try them? My 12 yr. old daughter loves peeps.

And, actually, Danny the trees are not yet budding because we had a cold spell, and lots of snow at Easter - I was so depressed, because the day before it was sunny and 39 degrees. But you are right, once the trees begin to bud, they fill out really fast. It is beautiful up here [when it is not snowing]!
It's amazing how fast our emotions change when reading. I sucked in a deep breath when I read

Peggy in Alaska said:
I've been through the medical mill since January - 3 times told I might have cancer in various parts of me!

and then let it out with a sigh of relief upon reading

Peggy in Alaska said:
But everything was negative.

Got my heart going a bit!

Glad the tests were negative Peggy and welcome home!
I think it was Winston Churchill who referred to the Americans and the British as two peoples separated by a common language.

Well, that's all for now: Time to grab a spanner and look under the bonnet of my lorry.


Thanks, Karlynn. So sorry if I caused any irregular heart beats! I'll have to watch that.

I think my husband was worse off than me through the whole ordeal. I took up some bead kit work [gifts for Christmas 2005] and got out a very difficult jig saw puzzle so that I would have something else besides waiting for test results to keep my mind occupied. The bottle of wine helped, too!
Maybe we should start our "trials" posts with: "I'm fine now but,,,,,,, :) Or "Everything is fine now but,,,,,,,, :)

Don't want to give a bunch of "Heart Challenged" people a jump start :D .

May God Bless,

Good idea, Danny. Now if I can just remember this in the future . . . . . . . :)
Peggy - so glad you are OK, and yes, my heart gave a little leap until I read all was negative!

Danny, Barry - I never knew how different our languages were until I dated an American. Cars were always a constant source of comparison, especially when fuelling up (you say gas, we say petrol), but there were SO many things I'd say which would be met with either a blank look, or side-splitting laughter! And don't even get me started on how to say aluminium!!

Bob - I've tried the chokkies with the coriander.... quite unusual. I also caved and recently tried the new "Chilli Tim-Tams", which were pretty saucy and I'm not ususally a Tim-Tam fan (much prefer my pfeffernuesse (sp??) which are a German shortbread covered in white icing).

Anyhoo, enough of my wind-bagging.

Anna : )
Hey, Peggy - glad to see you and know you are ok. Thanks for letting us know. Good news. (Ross maybe a copy of Peggy's post in a new thread? - some might miss this one and everybody will want to know).

Peeps w/chokkie? L I B! Why can't we have peeps all year long? esp w/chokkie?

Me 'n Danny 'n Granbonny (and some others) have a language all our own - called suthen. We had a yankee lady in SS the other week and she started to read something and said "I'm beginning to talk like all you other people down here" - no chance.

I was at the local watering hole (called Mamie's - iced tea is the beverage) yesterday where all the old folks round here go for lunch and stay for hours just vistin. I got so tickled hearing how they talked. All drawls w/odd words scattered amongst their conversations. One fella said 'well I got to goat the house' - Danny knows what it means.