Counting days

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Hey Everyone,
~28more days to my surgery! I going nuts :p I hate waiting I even called to see if any surgerys had been canceled to go ahead and get this over with. I half way have my clothes packed already. I know everyone says that I want have much energy after surgery but I do have ADD so any ideas what I can bring to the hospital so I want be bored and drive the nurses crazy I don't want to be that patient every nurse doesn't want during shift change. Believe me when I worked in the hospital there were some patients you just knew was going to crazy you insane all night. Also how long does the vent really stay in? I have a fear of being left on the vent! :eek: :eek: :eek: Stacey
You'll be too whacked and out of it to be bored. It takes a good long time to get the anesthesia out of your system. By the time you start to unfog, it'll be time to go home. Honestly, you won't feel like doing anything and you won't be able to concentrate on anything for more then a few seconds.

The vent stays in as long as necessary. As soon as you can breath on your own, out it comes. You may or may not awake with it in. If it is in and your coherent enough to realize it, do not fight it. Try to talk your inhalations with the inhalation cycle of the vent and relax as best you can.

Now, post some pics so we can see who were praying for! :D
Good Luck Stacey

Good Luck Stacey

The time will come soon enough. Before you know it, you will be looking back on this whole deal and wondering how it could all be over so quickly. You will witness the miracle of healing and all will be fine and dandy.

Be Patient...

We will be praying for your wait to pass quickly and for your surgery to be 100% successful.
going in

going in

Hi, I am going in in a few days so I know what you are going through, find a project for yourself and keep busy, you can worry the day before you go in. I decided to build my wife a garden shed and my son a tree house at the begining of the summer and it has kept me super busy...I still think about it all the time but the day is finally here.
Have faith,
Stacey, I'll be praying for you but you're going to do just fine. Regarding the vent mine was out in about six ours after surgery. Try to remember not to fight it just relax and go witht he flow. I know sometimes that's easier said than done. Please have someone post for you so we know how your are doing.
Hi Stacey I am going in the hospital next week August 17th for my second surgery, believe me you are pretty drugged up and will not want to do to much of anything for a few days. I remember waking up with the vent in me. I just tried to relax with it and eventually fell back to sleep. I wish it were next year at this time, so it were all over with. Please take care Stacey. Love, Jenny
Just to let you know Eric is not my significant other! Just a good buddy! And some people my even know him as Rex on Days of our Lives! He is a really nice guy to bad I don't get to see him more often.
Hang in there

Hang in there

I too started going nuts at 28 days out from my surgery. The two weeks following were the worst for me with the anticipation. But then I got to the point where I didn't want to worry anymore and the two weeks before the surgery I just decided to roll with things and willed myself to think positively!

As for the vent, I thought it was a piece of cake. I remember fighting it a bit and the nurse telling me to relax and let it breathe for me, but I didn't physically feel it, and the drugs kept me from worrying about it. I was only on it for under 3 hours, and really don't remember any discomfort.

Stay positive and think about all the great things you will experience once you've recovered!

Thanks Lemonstuff ~ am glad to hear that you came through with flying colors It has help reading past post about you jouney I guess I started posting right when you went in for surgery I was amazed at the support people gave you and your hubby one reason I started posting!
Babydoll said:
Just to let you know Eric is not my significant other! Just a good buddy! And some people my even know him as Rex on Days of our Lives! He is a really nice guy to bad I don't get to see him more often.
As you can tell, I don't do soaps. ;)

I think the vent was one of my greatest fears before I had the surgery. I was on the vent for about 5 hours, and I was told that I was on it for so long is because I requested to be heavily sedated after surgery, thinking that this would help me while I was on the vent. It turned out that I kept falling asleep, and when I did sleep I would quit breathing, and let the machine do it for me. It wasn't until my husband asked them to not give me so much medicine, that I started to wake up enough to breath on my own, and then they removed it. It wasn't the most pleasant experience, but it wasn't unbearable. It does help to stay calm and relax, and the nurse was always telling me to take deep breaths.

I think the waiting for surgery is the hardest time. I can't tell you how good it feels to have the surgery behind me. I am now 7 weeks post-op and I'm starting to feel like myself again.

Try not to worry. I know that is easier said then done. I remember there came a time, about a week or two before surgery, that I just accepted it, that I was having it done, and just started to look forward to the surgery date, to get it over with, and on the recovery side.