Hey Everyone,
~28more days to my surgery! I going nuts I hate waiting I even called to see if any surgerys had been canceled to go ahead and get this over with. I half way have my clothes packed already. I know everyone says that I want have much energy after surgery but I do have ADD so any ideas what I can bring to the hospital so I want be bored and drive the nurses crazy I don't want to be that patient every nurse doesn't want during shift change. Believe me when I worked in the hospital there were some patients you just knew was going to crazy you insane all night. Also how long does the vent really stay in? I have a fear of being left on the vent! Stacey
~28more days to my surgery! I going nuts I hate waiting I even called to see if any surgerys had been canceled to go ahead and get this over with. I half way have my clothes packed already. I know everyone says that I want have much energy after surgery but I do have ADD so any ideas what I can bring to the hospital so I want be bored and drive the nurses crazy I don't want to be that patient every nurse doesn't want during shift change. Believe me when I worked in the hospital there were some patients you just knew was going to crazy you insane all night. Also how long does the vent really stay in? I have a fear of being left on the vent! Stacey