my mother is currently taking 2.5mg warfarin, everyday, except for Sun & Th, when she takes 2.0mg. I have asked her pharmacist if she could upgrade her Rx to just one 2.5mg pill, she has agreed and told me to have her take 2.5mg a day except for sun. when she will take half a pill which would be 1.25. her INR has been about 2.2 (her range is 2.0 to 3.0), and she tests every 4 weeks. {she has a jude's mech avr, 5-26-05). Should we expect a significant change in her INR? her old dose was about 16.5mg per week, and if she takes the 2.5mg per day except for Sun (1.25mg), that will be a total of 16.25mg, not much of adifference i guess? will this be ok, or will she have days when her INR is too low? Thanks for your input.