Most of you know that I am committed to a regimen that includes a daily dose of red wine. For consistency's sake, I usually have one or two glasses with dinner. And Harpoon, I ALWAYS wash my rat poison and Lipitor down with my wine!
That way I don't forget.
I figure that the wine roughly cancels out the spinach salad that I have at least 4 times a week. I try to be consistent with both.
I rarely drink beer any more; it has more to do with the calories than anything else. Same goes for the hard stuff. Although I always have my CC&7 on Christmas eve (tradition).
Some nights, when friends are over and we've cracked open a particularly good year, I may have 3 or 4 2 0z. glasses of wine. That's rare, and when I do, I try to eat an extra salad the next day to make up for it. I'm down to monthly INR testing, so I don't really know how stable my INR is.
I haven't stroked out or bled to death yet.
No one should drink just to drink, or even to be social with others. Drink if you really enjoy the beverage, and drink only in moderation.
Note: If I'm going to be driving, I don't drink at all. One thing that alcohol is SURE to interact with, every time, is your motor skills and reaction time. Don't do it. EVER.