Could I ask for some Prayers Please?

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
NH-Further North
Hi Gang,

I am sorry that I haven't been on much, but I have not been feeling too well emotionally lately...I have been patching things up with my father and grandmother and between that and dealing with my heart issues, things have been more than overwhelming, and today is no different....

I just got a call from my mother saying that they think my grandmother has had a stroke, and is at the hospital right now getting ready to be moved to another hospital in Bangor Me. I was just wondering if you all would say a prayer for my grandmother and for my father as he is having to deal with this on top of his own heart failure. Gosh, I just can't believe that all this has happened in such a short time, and I am very angry because my hotel that I work for part time has told me that "Grandmother's are NOT immediate family.....Let your parent's deal with the issue, you just show up for work". I have shown up for work EVERY day, sick or not, haven't called out, and I have covered for those who have called out, and because I needed to call out for a family emergency, they won't allow it???!!! I am soooo sorry for venting, but to me, whether it's your grandmother, cousin, aunt or sister or parent, YOUR IMMEDIATE FAMILY...Once again, I am sorry for venting, but this really angers me......

In advance, I thank everyone for praying for my father and grandmother, as they really need it right now....Harrybaby:eek: :mad: :eek: :mad: :( :mad: :( :eek:
Please don't apologize for venting...

Please don't apologize for venting...

You have good reasons! Work can be so unreasonable sometimes.
I sure will pray for you all. Prayers going your way.
Harry, you and your family are in my prayers. Please keep us posted.

I am sorry to hear that things are not very good for you at present,try and be positive my friend, you and your family are in my prayers

I am sending you hugs,

Your heart buddy

You have mine!!! Sending every thought and prayer your way!!!

Love to you

I wish I were closer to you - I would come and work for you. Please know that you have prayers and hugs coming your way.

Vent away - that's one of the reasons we are here.
Harry I am sorry to hear that. I will pray for you and for your grandmother and father. Will you be able to go see her soon with out it being a problem with work? You probably want to help your father out with all the decisions I wish I had answers for you but I will pray you are given some.
Sending prayers to you and your family, Harry. It's time for you all to have some better luck. Wish they were more understanding at work!
Yes, I will be going up Wednesday after I get out of work...

Yes, I will be going up Wednesday after I get out of work...

cocoalab said:
Harry I am sorry to hear that. I will pray for you and for your grandmother and father. Will you be able to go see her soon with out it being a problem with work? You probably want to help your father out with all the decisions I wish I had answers for you but I will pray you are given some.

Unless my grandmother passes away before then, I will be going up Wednesday morning after I have worked my 3 days for the week....then I will tell them that I will be out of town for the other 4 days that I will be off so that if there is any needed coverage, the managers will have to cover the shift whether they want to or not.....I hate to be like this, but they are being truely unreasonable....Thank you for your encouraging and prayers. Harrybaby
The Latest Word....

The Latest Word....

Hi Gang,

I just spoke with my mother and my grandmother is in extremely critical condition, and it doesn't look good, she can open her eyes, and move her arms, but she cannot talk, and from what the doctors have said, she has a blood clot on the brain, and the next 48 hours will be VERY critical.....Lord, I just can't believe this is happening....I don't know how my father is able to tolerate this with his heart as weak as it is......Thank You All For Your Prayers and Thoughts....Harrybaby:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Harry I'm so sorry to hear that your grandma is not doing well. I will add her to my prayer list and also your father.

I am so sorry all this is unfolding the way it is. I will pray for your grandmother, your father, and you. I hope there will be better news soon. Sorry about the workplace issues -- employers can be very unreasonable sometimes.

Bob sorry to hear your latest news. Your Grandmother, Father and of course your good self are all in my prayers. Take Care.


You know we will always be here for you, my friend. I hope and pray your grandmother will make a peaceful transition to her new life. I will continue to pray for you, your father and the rest of the family. You sound like a very loyal employee. Unfortunately they usually wind up getting taken advantage of in the long run. Hope everything will be ok.

May God Bless,

You have mine also Harry dude. Ya know, these stressful times are what actually allow people to see how tough a heart really is. They are much more resilient then one might think.
The Latest Update....

The Latest Update....

Hi Guys and Gals,

I just got off the phone with my mom and my grandmother is doing better at the moment... It is now DEFINITE that she had a stroke, but so far they cannot tell if there is any damage or not, and these next 48 hours are still very dangerous and critical because she has another blood clot on the brain. I am leaving here Wednesday after I have gotten out of work to go see her unless she passes away before then (and lord knows I will be in bad shape if this happens). She can open her eyes, and move her arms, and at first she wasn't able to talk, but she is now able to. Thank God.

My heart is still heavy and hurting because it has hit home that someone that I have loved dearly (even if she has made me mad over the years) is now in serious jepeordy. This on top of my father, who is ailing with his's just too much....

I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words and prayers as I try and get through this with my family. Your all in my heart and prayers...Harrybaby:eek: :eek: :D :eek: :eek: :eek: