I love my PCP...so when I saw him a few months ago..he wanted me to come in today to see his PA..A lady named susan..He said, I would love her..just for a b/p check. I'm due to see him again Sept. 20th..for pap-smear, Mamo, ect...................so, I saw her. B/p 130/80..and we were chatting..so I say, I have had a lot of problems with my eyes..watering, itching, now for 3 months..and PCP gave me a sample and it didn't seem to help....so..she's says.I will call your drugstore for a script and you can pick it up on the way home. I said, Thank You..When, I got to drugstore, asked for script for eye drops, ready..and she said..Total will be....ready for this.. $93.79.... I said, WHAT? for eye drops..and pharmacist said..Oh, it's the newest and best eye drops on the market..PATANOL...1 drop in eye twice a day....SMALL bottle. I almost fainted but bought it..Hubby says I must lay flat on floor so he will not waste a drop. I did it when I got home..Eyes still watering..but will see in a.m.....if better. Usually, I wake up with dried eyes and then they pour all day. Talking about putting an ounce of Gold in your eyes....What the heck is going on with the price of medicine. Even, the OTC drops are expensive..This is the first time I have ever had problems.I have NO idea, why, this year...Pollen is long gone.. Anyone else with my problem? Bonnie