COQ10 experiment

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2008
South FL
Saturday INR-3.5
Tuesday Evening after taking (2) 30 mg of COQ10
earlier that morning (for joint pain from Lipitor)
Tuesday INR-2.1
Witz - if it were me, I'd try to find a Rx other than Lipitor before I started a suppliment to combat pain from Lipitor. What does your doctor have to say?
I take COQ10, but my first question is have you spoken to your doctor about the pain from the Lipitor? I swore off all Cholesterol meds except Fish oil. If you are having pain though, please get it checked out.
I took COQ10 for several months late 2006 to early 2007. I believe I was taking 100mg/day. I experienced difficulty in maintaining stable INR. I talked with my PCP and he said the "jury was still out" on COQ-10 interaction with some drugs. My INR has returned to a stable 2.5-3.5 since I discontinued COQ-10. Ask your doc.
I am curious as to how old you doesnt say on your look rather young to be having aches and pains of middle-age...which makes me worry for you beacause if it really is the LIpitor that is causing these aches then you should be looking for an alternative and be speaking with your Doc. That muscle-ache side-effect is a really serious one and shouldnt just be covered up with another supplement.
I only have aches and pains when I take the Lipitor. My cholesterol was 628 before Valve Replacement. I'm talking to my primary care about getting off statins. WHile on statins, I can't think straight, am tired, and my body aches.
thanks, my cardio is an a--hole. hopefully my PCP will give me a non statin. I'm hoping for this prescription niacin drug to combat cholesterol or even Zetia or Tricor.
Why do you stay with a cardio you don't respect?

That's a mighty high cholesterol and obviously you know it has to be handled.
that was pre-surgery. my cholesterol last time I checked was 220. I was staying because I needed my INR machine, and he was delaying on signing off for me. I now have the machine. Now might be a good time to switch. the only problem is I love the tech because he was the one that did an echo and found the stenotic bicuspid valve. I'm so confused.
that was pre-surgery. my cholesterol last time I checked was 220. I was staying because I needed my INR machine, and he was delaying on signing off for me. I now have the machine. Now might be a good time to switch. the only problem is I love the tech because he was the one that did an echo and found the stenotic bicuspid valve. I'm so confused.

There are LOTS of good Echo Tech's and LOTS of Cardios.
If you don't like / respect your cardio it is best to find one you have you can work with and trust.

Your PCP could give you an Rx for Zetia. It seems to have fewer / less severe side effects than the statins.
that was pre-surgery. my cholesterol last time I checked was 220.

You say your cholesterol is 220, and much higher pre surgery. That doesn't tell us much. Can you give us the break down of the cholesterol (Tot Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, and Triglycerides). It is very important to get all of those as it can tell you more about what you may need to do.

For example, with me, my LDL and Tri's were high and my HDL was low. I was able to get my LD into line with some diet changes, but with my doc putting me on Rx Grade Fish Oil (Lovaza), I was able to lower the Tri's considerably. No statin needed.

I do take COQ10 daily (100mg) and I have not had any issues with INR fluctuations. At first, it altered it a bit, but again, consistency is the key. As long as I take it everyday at the same dose, I can stay level now.
I don't have all of the data with my but my triglycerides were over 2400 and my cholesterol was 628 pre-surgery. my cardio said that he had never seen anybody with those numbers in his career. My surgeon told me that I had 2 surgeries. one of the surgeries was removing a lot of calcium buildup. I'm sure this had something to do with why my cholesterol was high, but don't really know.