Coordianting Care!?

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I am just wondering, what is the best way to manage having different Doctor
and specialists? I never really know who to call about things. Do I call my EP or my Cardio about heart stuff? WHich one should I have manage the meds or cal in refills? How to best coordiante care between the 2? If I ma having respiratory problems or symptoms do I call my Family Dr. or My Pulm? How do I go about getting copoies from each appt?

Thanks for any put all!!

Hi Erica,
I usually call my GP for all problems unless I am in distress. I like the GP to know what is going on at all times. As far as meds go, I have my cardio manage my heart meds and coumadin levels. My GP handles everything else such as pre-meds for dental work, cold meds, etc.
If I were having trouble breathing or unusual heart activity, I would go directly to my cardio and have him send an update to my GP. There is no time to waste when it comes to that type of distress.
As far as visit notes I just usually ask for them at each visit. They are mailed to me and I keep them in a notebook. I have had no problems with this practice being questioned once I explain that I am keeping a log to coordinate treatments.
Hope this helps some.
Smiles, :)
I call into my Cardio's office with my INR, once a month.. His nurse calls in my coumadin refills, every 6 months....My dentist gives me the script for my Amox.....I see my PCP for the woman stuff.. :D Bonnie
For me, I consider my ped card my "main" doctor. I tend to call her first, and then she tells me who I should call if it isn't her. But that's just because of the relationship I have with her. She's almost like a mom to me. The one time I didn't call her about something (it was about my ovaries for goodness sakes!), she fussed at me when found out by stumbling upon my husband in the surgery waiting room. When I said I didn't call because I didn't figure there was anything she could do, she said "I could have worried!" ;)

Also, she is the one who referred me to my EP and the ACHD specialist. She always sends copies of my files to them to keep them "in the loop" and talks to them about my case without me needing to be the go-between. She considers them a team in my care. I'm very lucky, I realize. Not everyone has a situation like this.

Perhaps you should talk to each of your doctors and find out from them what they think? That way you don't have to guess. It's a thought.
Oh, and I hardly ever call my GP. I rarely see him when I go to his office anyway. It's always his nurse. I only go there when I am sick with a cold or other bug. I guess I rely on my card more than most people. But like I said, we have that kind of relationship. She even gave me her pager number. I've been known to talk to her in the evenings just because I'm worried about something (health related, of course) and she'll spend 30 minutes or more trying to ease my mind. She's great!

It's pretty sad when you can call up a doctor's office and just say "Hi, it's Nicole." and the office staff knows who you are. Oh! And back at her old office, her nurse practitioner once answered the phone "Hello, Nicole" before I'd even said anything, simply because he knew that I was the person most likely to call at that time :D (I am a teacher and can only call at certain times of day). Pretty bad! :rolleyes:


Hi All, Thank you for all of your advice. I will defiently copy all of it down and talk to my Drs. next week. I see my EP, Cardio and Family Dr. all next week and generally usually talk to my Pulm once or twice a week. Any other questions I come up with I will let you know!!!

Gnusgal>>I'd say I was jealous but I'm not, my cardiologist does just about the same thing.

He and his wife were at our wedding even. =)

We're the "lucky" ones...

Generally, if it's cardiac related I'm calling my cardiologist. That includes anything that MIGHT be related to fluid retention, potassium issues, even the persistant cough that I have...

Everything else usually goes to my primary physician who then refers me if neccesary to the appropriate specialist.

My cardiologist has done some of that refering too, including to Cleveland Clinic. He's been a great advocate.

I usually call both my PCP and my cardiologist...and even alert the nurses in the Wellness Ctr at work...with anything. I don't generally bother my cardiologist with fevers, PCP is pretty good (AFAIK) about forwarding documents to my cardiologist. And, AFAIK, vice versa is cardiologist is pretty good about keeping my PCP in the loop.

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 31swm/pig valve/pacemaker
'72/'6/'9/'81/'7, train/models =
MC Guide =

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