Cooker's Throwdown Friday III -- 7-15

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Do I sense that we're in the summer doldrums? :eek2:

I am standing in for the intrepid Chimp, but again I doubt I will be weighing-in myself this week. Too much going on. Or not going on.

However, I do have a regular doctor's appointment next Tuesday so I will be weighed whether I want to be or not. Maybe that will be a baseline for a new start.

Of course, the nurses look at me a little funny when I start removing my cape and other clothing for a nekkid weigh-in. :tongue2:

Hope others will report in, and keep things going til we can rev up again.
"Intrepid Chimp" ... LOL ... SB has a way of bolstering TheChimp's sagging ego ... I'm up 2 pounds ... eating out a lot to escape the dust, noise and extreme disruption of remodeling ... the tree house was in much need of a makeover and now I know why we put it off for so long...

Summer doldrums may be the biggest part of my lack of diet commitment ... milkshakes ice cream cones, slushes ... the list goes on ... anything to beat the brutal heat (although it's nice this morning) ... I hope to rally soon, we'll see ...

I had my cardio visit yesterday, all number good, echo great and was put on a yearly visit instead of semi-annual:thumbup:

I was at 178.9 this morning. That's up 2.7 from two weeks ago. Time to get with it again. I don't have tree house issues or hot sand to blame for it either. It's going to heat up again outside starting today, so maybe I'll need a slushy or something.
A day or so without banana pudding or slushies, and the Chimp and the Kentucky Flash will be back in the losing column no doubt. As for the Man of Steel, he is going to have to make a new plan. With a blown-out knee, he's going to have to make his way to a pool for aqua therapy, as long promised. Poor Superdawg will have to make do with shorter walks (but as long as we're in thunderstorm and fireworks season, she probably doesn't care)....:rolleyes2:

I had my cardio visit yesterday, all number good, echo great and was put on a yearly visit instead of semi-annual:thumbup:


Aren't WE special??????:tongue2::tongue2::tongue2::tongue2::tongue2::tongue2::
I ask only because I'm JEALOUS!:redface2: I haven't seen mine in two years, doubt the numbers are good, bet the echo is iffy, and I'll probably be put on a 3 month leash when I do!

No stepping on scales for me since last week-end. I've had grandson Charlie every day this week, and seriously haven't had much of an opportunity to get on the scales--at least the way I prefer--nekkid. I think I'm doing ok. My activity level has been at a non-stop pace, and I've lacked the time element needed to consume many meals.
Maybe tomorrow . . . :smile2:
I indulged in Italian food on Saturday, and I'm still fighting off the salt gain. But it was worth it. This little joint is owned by my new neighbor, so we had to try it. Walked in, and the air just billowed with the aroma of garlic, cheese, and baking bread. Oh, my.

And it's too hot to walk outside. Jet and I do a little (very little) agility training during commercial breaks, and take a couple little walks per week. It's 105 today, something like the 16th day in a row over 100, 2nd hottest summer on record other than 1980 (when we had 56 days over 100 degrees). Last night's low was 88.
Italian sounds good Laurie! Wow! You have had some really hot weather. I would wilt in that!

Cindy is reporting her weight as of this morning. She weighs 146.2, which is up 1.9 from her last report.
"Up" could be a good strategy --- all the more that can come off in our next race! Superbob is considering declaring his gains in steel weight, to be used as a baseline in the race to lose mere mortal weight.

Meanwhile, though, Superbob has willed his ballooned knee to be well enough to walk not one but two dogs this morning, separately, through the woods and down the paths. Big necessity jaunts. Were the scales available, SB thinks he would have sweated off a few.

The knee just has to be functional. SB doesn't have a choice.
Hi Everyone

Sorry for my lateness, first time I've been near a computor in a few days. I'm an odd duck, I can easily be addicted to techy things so I purged the temptation to computors, tv and will never I hope be teathered to a Blackberry. I can waste so much precious time with the stuff. Anyway I did weigh myself Friday, 210, up a pound. Could be the ice cream again but it may also be the result of resistance workout converting fat to muscle that weighs more. I like the idea of the former and there is a slight increase in muscle definition this week, plus I suprised myself with a 25km kayak paddle able to handle it with frequent rests and float. Right now I'm feeling the "pinch" of maybe not eating- I do that-because of the potential gain, but doing that and binging later today because I'm REALLY hungry would have the opposite effect ie weight gain because I can overdo the intake. Sigh, perhaps I'll find a balance somewhere eh?

Take care everybody and have a good rest of the week.

You are doing well, CanoeBob!

Superbob? not so much. Doc today was concerned with my swollen legs. I have to get an ultrasound of them, plus take water pills, plus not drive any length til rule out a clot, plus have an echocardiogram, plus I'm even more anemic despite starting B-12 so will have to have one of those down the throat delightful tests if the numbers don't improve soon, plus my blood sugars have worsened, so upping name it. I am a wreck. Some superman.:(:(:(
Look, up in the sky!
It's a bird!
It's a plane!
It's Superman!
Faster than a streak of lightning,
More powerful than the pounding surf,
Mightier than a roaring hurricane,

You will always be Superman. Sorry to hear about your health issues. Keep us posted.
Look, up in the sky!
It's a bird!
It's a plane!
It's Superman!
Faster than a streak of lightning,
More powerful than the pounding surf,
Mightier than a roaring hurricane,

You will always be Superman. Sorry to hear about your health issues. Keep us posted.

I echo that Nelson. Gosh, SB I hope you get some better news after they test everything out. Prayers and good thoughts being sent by your throwdown buds.