Cooker's Throwdown Friday III ... 7/1/11

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
The celebratory eating that accompanied the second straight Gamecock national championship in baseball has netted me a 2 pound gain and I'm glad to make the "sacrifice" gain!!! I will move back to paying a bit more attention to my eating and try and drop a pound or two this week!!

I hope everyone is well and has had a good week!!! I suggest those still in contention for the RW&B race post there total loss on the 4th and then we can move on to whatever the next mini-race might be ....

Sorry I have been absent, lots going on then and now. I will try and do better.

Last Week: 209
This Week:211
Wow, July 4 is right around the corner !:) I need to start slimming fast. :eek2:

I will post tomorrow.
I'm going to report today since I think I'm too far back in the pack for serious 4th of July contention.

Last weigh in: 156.5
This week: 154
Loss of 2.5 pounds:smile2:
Loss of 2 pounds for the 4th of July race

Congrats to everyone. I think we've all done well, and some have done VERY well . . . you know who you are!:biggrin2:
I'm taking a mulligan this week. I came down with a nasty cold Saturday, and have not been able to exercise at all. I'm coughing my ribs out and going through tissues until my nose is sore. I'm disgusting to be around.
I'm eating properly, so it'll all come out in the long run.

Is it just me, or do you think we get sicker with colds and such than people who don't have heart problems? I think I get sicker now. I spent 3 days mostly in bed! I don't remember being that sick with a cold in prior years, but it seems to hit me harder since the heart problems.

Off to wish for a bottle brush to scrub out my bronchial tubes....
I now weigh 162 lbs.:) I feel good and look good too. ;) Now I need to work on trimming my belly fat.:biggrin2:

Have a Happy & Safe July 4 everyone !!

Red, White & Blue: Starting Weight: 164
Loss 2 pounds for the 4th of July race :thumbup:
Opps..... I post early. Noticed Chimp say post on July 4. I don't think I will gain weight in 2 days. I HOPE NOT !! ;):biggrin2:
I have to go ahead and post my weight. This weekend we have grandkids and their parents visiting from Georgia and my sisters are hosting a mini family reunion in Frankfort. So we'll be juggling time and food I'm afraid. Of course juggled food in our house ends up in the mouth on the last toss.

I gained .3 this week. I started RW&B at 183. This week I'm at 176.2. That's a total loss of 6.8 for the RW&B.

Cindy will have to chime in when she's ready. Apparently, she isn't ready yet since I haven't heard any chiming...hehe.
Great job to all!!! Wise, Duffy, Nelson and I'm sure Cindy will be reporting a big loss and possibly take the prize!! Laurie, I don't think I get sick any more often due to OHS but I do think that my age makes the colds seem worse, hope you feel better!!

We were up on the Blue Ridge Parkway yesterday and it was cool, clear and wonderful!!! Back to the realty of home and the upper 90's:rolleyes2::eek2:
Superbob finds he has reached a static state in the Throwdown. "Static," as explained here:


1646 (earlier statical , 1570), "pertaining to the science of weight and its mechanical effects," from Mod.L. statica, from Gk. statikos "causing to stand, skilled in weighing," from stem of histanai "to cause to stand, weigh," from PIE base *sta- "stand" (see stet). The sense of "having to do with bodies at rest or with forces that balance each other" is first recorded 1802. Applied to frictional electricity from 1839. The noun meaning "radio noise" is first recorded 1913; fig. sense of "aggravation, criticism" is attested from 1926."

ah, yes, a body at rest --- can't hardly breathe the air out there -- mid-90s, high humidity, AND (worse of all) smoke from distant wildfires permeating it all. Unbreathable! We take one late-night walk. Superbob tries his best to get to the Y also, but haven't been able to do so everyday.

Sooooooo... no loss for Superbob last week or in recent weeks....

Net loss for the Red, White, and Blue: 3 steely pounds.

If truth be known, Superbob does much better when it's a race to best the girlies. ;)
Bob ... three pounds is three pounds, good job ... and I agree, I do better with the battle of the sexes too ... after all, that is the natural order of things:rolleyes2:
Son of Superbob took us all to the most magnificent buffet on the Grand Strand, and despite the kryptonite danger, Superbob sampled peach cobbler (an addiction there), carrot cake, and coconut custard pie. So in case we challenge the girlies to a Race to Thanksgiving, the Man of Steel is already bulking up with weight to shed when the race commences. ;););)
February 2009 I was 277 Pounds! People said I carried the weight well, when I told them how much I weighed they were astonished. :eek2:

Now July 02 2011 my weight is 195 pounds! My goal weight is 180, I'm 5' 11'' and in general a thick build kind of guy. :tongue2:

I stopped exercising about 6 weeks ago because I was unable to tolerate it anymore, I was starting to get definition on my abdomen, chest, and arms from light weight lifting but have since stopped because of severe symptoms. :frown2:

Want to get this valve corrected ASAP so I can get back to building up my temple! :thumbup:
Great job Julian! I know how you feel - I too had to stop my exercise regimen several months before I had my surgery (except for just brisk walks) I just couldn't catch my breath - so I know how you feel. Problem is I am now 5 months post-surgery and still really having a hard time getting back into the swing it seems. I dont' think this is normal - I think it is just me and my lack of motivation. Although one guy in my Cardiac Rehab class who is doing circles around me told me that he still has to take a nap on days he does rehab. So maybe I am a little normal.

Laurie - I'm somewhat inclined to agree with you on being more susceptible to colds and stuff after OHS. My problem has been my tooth and a periodontal infection. I've had one round of antibiotics and it was OK for about 2 to 3 weeks, then it came back now I am on round two and now we've decided to pull that tooth this Thursday. I personally think my immune system is down, as in the past, my own body could fight off this kind of stuff. I hate to think of the money wasted on trying to keep this tooth. I should have just had them pull it back in Dec. when I paid good money for gum surgery around it. :tongue2::tongue2:

No more talk of the Gamecocks now y'all hear! Do you think I am a sore loser? :mad2: Of course the Longhorns were out of it soooo quick - I guess it is OK that it made my fellow throwdowners happy their team won and caused them to gain weight!
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OK - you can just give me my prize right now! (No comments from the peanut gallery puleeez ). I am thinking I may have still lost the most - barely winning out over the Wise man - even though I gained last week. Of course we have yet to hear Cindy weigh-in (pun intended.) :angel:

Start of RW&B 215
Last week 207
July 4th: 208
Total lost for race 7 lbs. :D

I don't mind a battle of the sexes again - but you know I'm going to want the guys to spot the girls some pounds. Especially if we are outnumbered. I think either way a team competition is what we need. If you are only accountable to yourself, you don't try as hard as you would if you were going to mess up your team's progress.
February 2009 I was 277 Pounds! People said I carried the weight well, when I told them how much I weighed they were astonished. :eek2:

Now July 02 2011 my weight is 195 pounds! My goal weight is 180, I'm 5' 11'' and in general a thick build kind of guy. :tongue2:

I stopped exercising about 6 weeks ago because I was unable to tolerate it anymore, I was starting to get definition on my abdomen, chest, and arms from light weight lifting but have since stopped because of severe symptoms. :frown2:

Want to get this valve corrected ASAP so I can get back to building up my temple! :thumbup:

That weight loss is going to help you tremendously in your recovery. Trust me! Do you have an exact date yet for your surgery, I noticed you said late July. I'm sure you have been told the waiting is worse - and there is truth in that. Best of luck!

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