Hi y'all! Sorry I have been MIA the last couple of weeks or so. Work is actually driving me crazy (short trip) with 9 and 10 hr days, and in cardiac rehab they are kicking my butt and I am so tired that when I finally get home - I just crash. None of the Dr's seem too worried about my tiredness - they say I'm still recovering from a big trauma - but its been 4 months now. My left chest and scar still hurts some too - mostly just annoying. I actually slept all day long last Sat. That just can't be right, but my body wanted it!
Anyway on to the topic at hand here! Even though I haven't reported in I have been making an effort - but not a lot of progress. I think since the last time I reported in I weighed 207.6, and today I weighed 207. But I've been up higher in the interim, so really I'm down more than .6 - how about that for logic?
Saw some complaints about it being hot on the E. coast - OK you guys don't get to complain in the summer when its hot and I don't get to complain in the winter when it's cold.... (We've already had two or three days of 101. No 4th of July fireworks this year from City of Austin - in fact they may even ban sales of them to the public. Too hot and dry. and too much risk for wild fires.
Cooker - very very good job on the losing the nicotine gum (she says while chewing a piece herself). Behave yourself and that gain will be a loss next week (said from someone who is seriously considering Tex Mex and Margs for dinner..)
I promise to behave while you are gone Duffey, but I clearly have no control over the chimp or SuperBob! It is starting to look like Cindy and/or Wise might have this thing in the bag, but not without me giving them a run for their money!
Starting weight for RW&B : 215
Weight last time I checked in: 207.6
Weight today 207
Total lost for RW&B: 8 lbs
Hope Everyone has a great weekend and I'll try not to be such a stranger!