Cooker's Throwdown Friday III -- 2-11-2011

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
I'm almost embarrassed to report this week because it seems so unbelievable ... as I posted toward the end of last weeks thread I thought last weeks weight may have been a false high (fluid?) and probably so ... I only weigh on Thursdays mornings so I can't be sure ...

But this morning I weighed in at 202 and that's down 7 pounds form last week "report" but I am confident that todays weight is correct because I have been a flawless student of CSD ... my clothes are fitting better (pants not cutting me in half:redface2:), I feel better and clean inside ... With our 28th wedding anniversary on Saturday and a Valentine party on Sunday it will be a tough start to the week but I'm committed ... :eek2:Bellevue:eek2:

Hope everyone has had a great week:smile2:

St Patty’s Day Race Starting weight : 215
Last week : 209
This week: 202
Total St Patty’s Day Race Loss: 13:thumbup:
Great job Cooker! Seven pounds! At least we know that you're not on the "cute sissy diet" with that weight loss!
Mr. Cooker Chimp, or Chimp Cooker, you are a veritable freak of Nature! :biggrin2: Wow -- seven pounds; way to go!

As for Superbob, he is just hanging in there -- will weigh in the morn. There has been residual Super Bowl eating, but Superdawg has kept up the pressure for walks in all kinds of weather, and Superbob has thrown in some workouts at the Y. So who knows -- can't catch The Chimp, though, that's for sure! :rolleyes:

Best news for SB is he got a personal letter from his surgeon indicating he saw nothing outsized or meriting surgery in the recent CT angiogram results. He says an echo once a year should be sufficient monitoring for now. So that's more incentive to try to get in best shape possible and keep 'er going. :smile2: Cheers....
After posting my loss for the week I treated myself to some popcorn, ice cream and Reese's Cups:biggrin2: ... Back on track with CSD and headed fro 180:thumbup:
Well, Superbob is the same weight this week as last week. But sometimes being the same is right good. I defer to Montgomery Gentry and "Lucky Man" on that point:

".... My ticker's tickin' like they say it should
I got supper in the oven,a good woman's loving
And one more day to be my little kid's dad
Lord knows I'm a lucky man...."

Now that there are no more major eating holidays before Saint Paddy's Day (don't eat very much Valentine's chocolate), maybe ol' SB can trim a few steel pounds. :wink2:
Gee Cooker, see what happens when you lay off the salt??? Congrats on the 7 lbs.

I'm at 133.5 today, which is up .5 from last week. Sorry girls, I'm working on it. Maintenance is hell and the last 3 pounds are impossible.
Wondering also about Rhena. Hope all is okay with recovery....

Been wondering also (far less seriously) about the Chimp's references to CSD. Maybe I missed an explanatory post. Anyway, perhaps it's the Cabbage Soup Diet?

Different things work for different folks, so if this is good for The Chimp, hooray! Reading the FAQs, I see it is not recommended for diabetics, however. I have to pay a lot of attention to protein at every meal. Maybe anyone going on a diet like this should check with their doc first? I also found this and share in the Throwdown spirit of sharing with each other:

Of course, CSD could refer to Cookies, Snacks, and Doughnuts, or any number of things. :p
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I stayed the same as last week and that took some doing on my part.

Maybe this coming week Rhena will feel good enough to take a peek in and give us an update on how she's doing.

I remember the first few weeks post-surgery, and it was hard to sit in front of a desktop for any length of time.
I just realized that I didn't post for this week.

I stayed the same this week at 179.4. Cindy is down .9 from 148.9 to 148.

We had a Valentine brunch today. It was a delicious disaster. Enough said.
Hello........ hello..... anyone there?

Congrats to Cindy and give yourself a pat on the back too, Wise.

Funny how Cooker is being silent since the big Valentine's Day chocolate spree has come and gone?????????

As for me, I think this will be the third day that I've had no bread. I say "think" because I'm struggling today to not give in to the lure of cherry preserves on hot toast.
Argh . . . . . . . !
I've heard the sound of silence, too, and have missed the banter. I've been hoping I didn't alienate The Chimp with my unsolicited and speculative comments about his diet. We know the Chimp has exotic diets and I should have just left it at that. I have a media background, which means I am a professional busybody. It's a wonder you all haven't expelled me from the Throwdown yet. :p

The Chimp has done and is doing a wonderul job as our inspirational leader. Hope he'll be back soon. Also, am looking forward to Rhena's return...:smile2:

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