Cooker's Throwdown Friday III -- 12-23-11

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Ho, ho, ho, boys and girls. Christmas Day doth approach. Superbob hopes all you boys and girls have been nice (well, maybe just a little bit naughty) this year so that SB can help Santa bring some neat gifts to you. :angel:

Superbob is filling in for The Chimp, who may be swinging from one party to another right now. :tongue2:

Okay, Throwdown-wise, we know this is a challenging time. No one recommends abstaining from the holiday bounty, but maybe Throwdowners would like to share secrets for maintaining (or coming close) during these joyous, food-filled times.

Superbob is happy to report that he has lost the pound he had gained, and is right at 0 -- no pounds gained -- for our Maintenance Challenge. But we know that the real challenge begins now.

Part of SB's secret is sneaking away to the Y to take a mid-afternoon swim/workout. SB finds he can do a lot of exercise -- hour's worth at least. On the food front, the whole family loves ham -- so SB encouraged Mrs. SB to cook one. The secret is SB doesn't really love ham, so that cuts down on some intake. Concentrate on the veggies instead. Just a small slice of dessert. Avoid the Christmas candies.

So look forward to hearing from the Throwdowners. Wishing one and all much merriment! :thumbup:
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I haven't weighed today, will try to in the morning, then post my "official" throwdown number.

I did alot of baking yesterday, but I was so busy, I was missed both breakfast and lunch. :eek2:

I also managed a late evening walk and hope to again tonight. In the meantime, I'm being a good girl and hoping Superbob and Santa both take note.:wink2:
I guess we're all pretty quite Throwdown-wise right now. I meant to weigh this morning. REALLY I did. I actually forgot. I had a big problem after eating eggs yesterday morning, a lot of pain and stuff you don't want to hear. I should have lost weight, but now I don't know. Anyway, I do know that I DID NOT maintain my 11-11-11 weight. I'm counting myself up 5 lbs, which is what it was a couple days ago.
Superbob salutes the Wise man for his candor and expresses confidence he will get back on track early in the New Year. SB can only assume that Mary is being a good girl, as promised. ;) But as for all the other Throwdowners...where art thou? Can't you spare a few minutes in your busy holiday prep to check in with us? The Chimp is going to fire Superbob as an assistant if we don't pump up the response! :p

As for Superbob, he must have peeled off a pound or two washing floors to make ready for the celebrating! His rooster comb injections actually seem to have helped the knees a bit, but now the back hurts like heck (like there's a knife in the lower back). Could the back be craving the shots the knees are getting? Sb may have to reconsider which gets surgery first. Oh well... 'tis the season to make merry. ;)
No report from Chimpville.

The Chimp would like to wish all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

May you and yours be blessed with happiness and health.....​
Merry Christmas to all!

I actually forgot to weigh! I started Friday with an early morning run to Wal-Mart, grandson Charlie in tow, and I am still trying to recover! ALL of our kids are home . . . . all five . . . and we have been busy picking up last minute Christmas presents and getting them wrapped.

Yesterday we did a group walk of 2.5 miles and hope to get one in again this afternoon. I'm hoping holiday exercise will cancel out holiday eating, and next week's weigh in will show no gain, or at least not much of one!
Duffey and SB, you two should be given special awards of merit for exercising! I however was granted a Christmas miracle this morning. Like Duffey today, I forgot to weigh yesterday. This morning I was down 3 pounds from last weight. So, I'm only up 2 pounds in the race to maintain. My reaction to Cracker Barrel's delicious fried eggs proved beneficial (in reality, I've learned my lesson that YES I'm allergic to eggs...cry cry cry).

I'm so happy that you have all of your family with you Duff. I hope this is your best one yet!

Merry Christmas to all of my Throwdown/VR friends. You are special to Cindy and me!
Cindy's is reporting that she will weigh next Friday. She also sends "a great big Merry Christmas to all of you sweet people!"
Merry Christmas

I actually did weigh yesterday just didn't get to post. I did OK but ate lots of sweets and those are my downfall. I'm up about 2 lbs since 11-11-11 all or most of it this week.

Superbob and Mary I salute you for keeping up your work outs. That I did not do. My bike is put up for the Christmas season as we put the Christmas tree in the living area where my bike normally resides. Of course that's just an excuse.

I did OK with the eating part until this week. I stayed away from sweets and only ate one full meal of a meat and salad and the rest of my day was eating stuff like oatmeal, breakfast bar, soup. This week was back to my old eating habits which is not good. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Wise I would stay away from those eggs. LOL
Superbob ate more sugary goodies yesterday than is healthy for him by any definition in the medical encyclopedia. :eek2: He is trying to ignore the sugary leftovers today and has been partially successful so far. (Which is to say, he didn't eat the rest of Big Mama's Southern pecan pie for breakfast!) :eek2::D
Superbob ate more sugary goodies yesterday than is healthy for him by any definition in the medical encyclopedia. :eek2: He is trying to ignore the sugary leftovers today and has been partially successful so far. (Which is to say, he didn't eat the rest of Big Mama's Southern pecan pie for breakfast!) :eek2::D

What a show of uncommon restraint! At least it would be for me! :biggrin2:
I've fallen off the dietary discipline wagon today. Help Marie! I've fallen and can't get up!:wink2:
Wise, leave the eggs alone.:cool2:
I see that on FB that that mama's pecan pie won a battle. It happens to the best of us. It is a difficult time to be very moderate.

We have another Christmas meal tomorrow night, if the roads aren't bad that is. We might have some rain and snow after such a gorgeous Christmas day.

Staying away from the eggs. I'm cured of that desire. ; )
Nasty FB rumors to the contrary notwithstanding, the Man of Steel has not been conquered by a mere pecan pie. Superbob had one slender sliver last night and has survived to tell the tale. Though it is stormy here today and Superdawg is self-confined due to her distaste for turmoil of any kind, SB will go to the neighborhood workout center and use the treadmill 'til his knee screams "stop!". Pecan pie is no match for the man of superheroic resolve! ;););)

How are other Throwdowners doing this week? - come on, let's hear it. That means you, too, Mr. Chimp! :rolleyes:
We had our last Christmas dinner tonight, but we left Cindy's mother's house with fudge and chocolate covered cherries and more candy. This was supposed to be the end of it. But no, you get candy as gifts. We already had received two pounds of candy as gifts before Christmas. Are any of you behind all of these sweet giftings?

Ooops. Cheesecake. Well, cheesecake has to be respected. You can only respect cheesecake by answering its call.

SB still a victor over the pecan pie! There's hope for the rest of us!
Cheesecakes and candy gifts must be dealt with -- stay strong, Throwdowners! :thumbup: Hey tomorrow begins a new Throwdown week and for SB a new challenge -- containing the munchies during a lot of good football bowl and NFL games, not to mention the New Year's celebrations. Fighting it all with celery may be tough, but I'm sure we will grasp the stalks or whatever healthy weapons we have available. ;)
I will say DH has grabbed a candy cane off the Christmas tree when he wants something sweet after dinner, and it has worked successfully for him. It works for me if I think of it before I start my rummaging.