Cooker's Throwdown Friday III -- 11-12

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
Greetings .... Here's hoping all are well and have had a week of staying on plan ... I have stayed on plan but then again I planned on consuming Moon Pies and boxes upon boxes of Little Debbie Oatmeal Cakes:biggrin2: .... Due to an unforeseen turn of events in Chimpville it has become necessary to ply comfort food daily ... not to worry all will be well but for now I binge:thumbup: ... and with cooler weather comes sweaters and we all know they cover a multitude of snacks:tongue2:
Sorry about the "need" for comfort food. It doesn't really help, y'know, it just makes you feel guilty later. I hope things get better, chimpmeister.

I have sustained this week's loss: 132.9 today!!!!
I'm still in the land of no gluten/no dairy/no sugar and I'm pretty darn close to no on all accounts. So, I had better darn tootin' lose weight this week.

Don't be plying too much comfort there now Chimp and don't eat anything the rest of us wouldn't eat. Actually I think that leaves the door wide open!

SB glad you've had a good birthday. Celebrate on!
I'm still in the land of no gluten/no dairy/no sugar and I'm pretty darn close to no on all accounts. So, I had better darn tootin' lose weight this week.

Don't be plying too much comfort there now Chimp and don't eat anything the rest of us wouldn't eat. Actually I think that leaves the door wide open!

SB glad you've had a good birthday. Celebrate on!

Thanks Wise ... I started today with oatmeal so at least I'm trying to recover:redface2:
My blood sugar is absolutely whacked out this morning. Going to have to tell my sugarholic DW that she is going to have to eat the rest of this huge cake herself. Nothing but protein for me today.
Cooker and SB, sounds you're both handling the "morning after" well. A one day diversion and back on track is doing pretty good, IMO.
Good job, Laurie!:smile2: Wise, it's good to hear that you're on track with the diet. :smile2:Superbob and Cooker, you're headed in the right direction.:smile2:

I'm up two pounds. I'm retaining fluid, the pain from my shoulder continues but has spread to my right arm and hand, and I lost a filling last night when I bit down on a sticky dessert concoction I'd made . . . serves me right!:wink2: My point is, I don't really care about the two pounds!:tongue2:

I'm looking forward to a better week.:thumbup:
Mary, I hope the pain you're experiencing can be diagnosed and treated effectively. The sounds rather problematic. Prayers for a resolution will be sent.
Ouch, terrible feeling when a filling or part of a tooth falls out. Usually, unless you bit on something real hard, like a piece of Christmas candy, it was ready to go anyway, so no sense feeling guilty. :smile2:

You've spoken of that shoulder pain before, Mary. Since it sounds like it's not getting better and may be spreading, really hope you will get it checked soon.

Hubby suggested in a noontime phone call that I call the doc. My reply was, no appts., or even calls, until after the first of the year. I am absolutely convinced that medical intervention will do no good, and I will be put through unnecessary and time consuming tests. If I'm still struggling with it come January 1, I'll make an appointment.
And yes, I am stubborn, and I do think that I know as much, if not more, than the docs.:biggrin2:
I lost 2.2 lbs. this week, going from 175.9 to 173.7. I'll take it. In a way, I was expecting a touch more taking into account how drastically different I ate this week. I'll take it nonetheless.

Cindy hasn't mentioned weighing and I'm not mentioning it either. I'm not stupid! :wink2:
Sorry, I was a distraction by posting in an earlier Throwdown thread in response to something Duffey had asked. Hey, BTW, anyone heard from Duffey? I know she was having some shoulder pain problems. Hope all is well with her.

I peeked at the scale this morning, and it was better than I thought. I need to take to heart (no pun intended) my cardio's advice during my appointment yesterday and pay close attention to my diet and exercise to make sure I don't add clogged arteries to my other concerns. It's easier said than done here in the land of the fried seafood buffet and dessert cornucopia. :D
Well, dang it. Superbob's echo results don't meet with my approval. :mad2: Make sure the radiology folks understand that when you undergo the scan on Friday, Bob.:smile2:

I'm doing pretty well with the diet. I've managed two nights of warm water therapy, and the exercise has helped both my shoulder and weight a little bit.:smile2:
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