Cooker's Throwdown Friday .... 3-20-15

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
First Day of Spring and International Day of Happiness today..... coincidence .... I think not!!! I'm SO ready for Spring!!! I am reporting a gain of 1.75 pounds this week. I had surgery on Monday with at least two bags of fluid and or antibiotics so I think that may have contributed to my gain .... I'm sure it has nothing to do with the Easter candy that jumped into my mouth!!! Recovering well and I have the best nurse (DW) taking care of packing and repacking the surgery site.... very grateful!!

How are you doing? Did you lose, gain or stay the same!! We can't be defeated if we don't give up!!!!

2015 Starting Weight: 243.50

Last Week's Weight: 234.75
This Week's Weight: 236.50
Mr Chimp...glad you are feeling better and getting good care. I'm at 191.0 for this week...about the same as I have been for the last several weeks post surgery. My appetite is pretty good but I am trying to at least partially maintain my low card diet. I would like to stay at about this weight or maybe no more than 195.0. Recovery-wise, today is the one month anniversary of my second OHS.My main surgery was 16 Feb and the followup to address the tamponade was 20 feb. On Wednesday I had my first follow ups with the surgeon and my cardio. All went well...I got the remaining stitches out of my chest and belly. The best thing that happened was my cardio let me end Metopoprol. Within 24 hours I felt so much better...more energy and pep. So things are progressing. I still walk two hours most days....not today because of snow here in Philly. But I can't complain. My INR is within range although we're still playing a little but with dosage. Heart rate and BP are good. So there you have it!
I am down 3 lbs this week due to lack of appetite and no real effort on my part. That lovely yellow-green pollen is coating everything around here and has taken me down this week......but I am on the mend. I did manage to eat 3/4 of a spinach & chicken wrap today.
sorry been tardy here checking in -- glad to read the good reports. Haven't weighed -- probably have overdone the eating this week esp with 1st birthday of our grandson -- lots of cake and goodies around, and out to a big dinner tonight. Finally finishes my chiropractor allotment of medically approved (insured) visits. Kinda disillusioned by hard sell I'm getting about continuing visits for what I consider an exorbitant fee. No can do -- and actually still not a fan of this stuff.