I'm Baaaack!
Yes, I've been bad, but at least I'm back now. . .
We were away last weekend, doing all the fun things one can do in Northwestern Indiana and Southwestern Michigan -- eating and drinking! We toured wineries and vineyards, visited mansion museums, tasted lots of wines, drank seriously of others and ate at some of the best restaurants in the area. An outstanding weekend, except for the (not unexpected) effect on my weight management. Here are the gruesome stats:
Start of year: 164.6
Last weigh-in: 157.2
This week: 158.2
YTD: Now only -6.2
I expected this after that sort of weekend, but it is kind of depressing to think that I've done this on top of the fact that summer is over, and with it go some of my opportunities for heavier outdoor activity. I am still walking, but not as much -- somehow it is harder to get out after dinner when it is cold and dark. It can be scary, too, to walk after dark. We're in a residential area of the city proper, and when crossing the street, even with a stoplight and crosswalk, you run the risk of being run down by a distracted driver. Last week I had to bail out into the bushes as a lady came from several cars behind the corner and made a zooming left turn right toward me as I was in the middle of the intersection, crossing with the light. She was too busy on her cell phone. I waved my arms and screamed at her, but she was totally oblivious. Good thing I am still rather nimble for my age! I think I'll look into getting one of those reflective vests again. I used to wear one when I ran outdoors in the early AM hours.
This week - back to the routine. Watch what I eat and try to be active. There just isn't time to do any more exercise after work, and I don't know of anything I can do that is more intense than speed walking on an inclined treadmill and riding a variable resistance stationary bike (Airdyne) at 15+ MPH. I don't swim and my knees won't take running any more. To quote the wise and great Snoopy. . . Blecch!