Hi all,
I just got my results of my echo and I'm trying to learn what they mean. I do go for a full cardio work up soon so I know I'll learn much more. However, I like to have an idea what is going on.
Normal left ventricular size with normal function estimated at 65%.
What does that mean?
Grossly normal arotic value
Grossly Normal.....sounds like it should be a good thing...?????
mild mitral value prolapse with mild mital regurgitation
mild aortic insufficiency
Tricuspid Regurgitiation.
Mild sounds good....???
Can anybody tell me anything?
Thank you all in advance.
Oh, if it matters, I've never had Rhumatic Fever (that I know of) and I'm only 36.
I just got my results of my echo and I'm trying to learn what they mean. I do go for a full cardio work up soon so I know I'll learn much more. However, I like to have an idea what is going on.
Normal left ventricular size with normal function estimated at 65%.
What does that mean?
Grossly normal arotic value
Grossly Normal.....sounds like it should be a good thing...?????
mild mitral value prolapse with mild mital regurgitation
mild aortic insufficiency
Tricuspid Regurgitiation.
Mild sounds good....???
Can anybody tell me anything?
Thank you all in advance.
Oh, if it matters, I've never had Rhumatic Fever (that I know of) and I'm only 36.