Short version: I tore my plantaras tendon while walking down stairs. Swelling ensued and I saw my doctor 24 hrs after the incident. Referred to a nearby orthopedic surgeon who within 15 seconds identified acute compartment syndrome and sent me for emergency surgery. Six bags of frozen plasma to reverse the anti-coagulation, a reaction to morphine calling for countermedicating, surgery, removal of a soft-ball-size clot and, three days later a skin graft to cover the enormous open wound on my calf. Two weeks in the hospital and now home recovering nicely. The doctor says that if I had not been on anti-coagulation it would have been a non-event. My question: Any similar experience and wise counsel out there regarding how to care for my graft area and how to protect it since I want to resume my typically active work in the yard and bushes and areas that want clearing of brush in the yard? How to guard against any similar future events?
Peace, Love and Rock and Roll (Listening to KPIG right now
Peace, Love and Rock and Roll (Listening to KPIG right now