Coming out mixed w/ blood

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Well-known member
Jul 2, 2005
Pembroke Pines, Florida
Dear friends :Today is my 4th month from my AVR surgery, and I am very good, fighting to keep my INR into range and trying to get used to the clink-clink on my brain due to my Onyx!
Since one week ago, approx. when I blow my nose when I get up in the morning, the mucus is coming out mixed w/ blood!
But that is the only time of the day that that happens.
Has this ever happened to any of you?
The doctor said this could be caused by my Coumadin.
Thanks a lot
Didn't you know that Coumadin is the cause of everything? Heck it even prompted the war in Iraq! It's all Coumadins fault. Just being sarcastic of course.

The more likely and scientific answer would be, take a look at the change in weather, atmosphere, humidity etc. Allergies are kicking up now too. Anything that will irritate your nasal passages is the cause. Heck blow too hard and if a vessel is close to the surface, your gonna bleed. ;)
Yes I have had that but not recently, and as Ross says, it could be a blood vessel near the surface. What I do get is blood in the thick phlem that I cough up, just a trace but definitely blood. Could be the same sort of thing I suppose.
It used to happen to me all the time, for years before I stopped smoking. Irritated nasel passages were the problem many times. And, I don't take Coumadin.
sue943 said:
Yes I have had that but not recently, and as Ross says, it could be a blood vessel near the surface. What I do get is blood in the thick phlem that I cough up, just a trace but definitely blood. Could be the same sort of thing I suppose.

Why are you coughing up thick phlem? Do you smoke or do you have an infection of some sort. I used to always cough the stuff up when I smoked but not anymore since I quit last year.
Unlessyou fill up about 5 Kleenexes with blood it is unlikely to be much of a problem.
I don't know why I am coughing up the phlem, I had a chest x-ray a few weeks ago and guess I ought to find out what was found, if anything. I gave up smoking in March 2000. Last year prior to my surgery I was coughing up the gunk too.

As for the nose thing, I found blood when I blew my nose earlier today, first time for a while.