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I need to have a colonoscopy . Do you think I should go off coumadin before having this done? If so how many days before the colonoscopy? After should I take a double dose to get my level back to 2.5 or go back to my same dose.?
I went through mine fully anticoagulated with no problems and 2 polyps removed. That wasn't the plan, but that's the way it went. The plan was to go look and if something was found, to take me off and then do the procedure again. If yours wants you to stop, do not do so without being bridged with either heparin or lovenox.

Usually it's stop 3 to 5 days before the procedure, but being bridged the entire time until 12 hours before the procedure, then resume bridge and take your first dose of Coumadin 12 hours after the procedure and continue the bridge until your INR is in range.
I loved how I felt when I woke up from my colonoscopy. Does that make me gay? :D

I wish you luck on your procedure Tom. Definitely give your cardiologist a shout. Maybe just talk to the nurse, but I would definitely talk to someone at his office about it.
My husband's had two colonoscopies. He was fully anticoagulated for both. On the first one, 2 polyps were removed. On the second one, one polyp was remove. Unless you have a huge problem, colonoscopy without interrupting anticoagulation therapy is a good procedure.

I had a colonoscopy about three and a half years ago and another one in recent months. Each time I was told to stop my Coumadin for three days.
First off I do not count it in days, but rather in hours. I back up from the time of the procedure 72 hours. In years gone by stopping three days ahead of time sometimes was closer to four days by the time we got to the procedure, and that just wasn't acceptable to me.
Both times my gastro guy had a blood draw just before the procedure to check my INR. He wanted it down around 2.0 but no lower. I also went for a blood test the day before so I knew where I stood. So I was still anti-coagulated during the test. The first time they removed five polyps with no problem. The recent one they removed three again with no problem. We had an agreement like Ross that if he found anything really bad, then we would go back again and use bridging.
Some of these doctors like my nieghbor's really scare me. They told him five days before AND FIVE DAYS AFTER!
And my gastro guy hired a new nurse who when making my appointment said three days because WE DON'T WANT YOUR BLOOD TOO THIN!! I was nice but really wanted to let her have it!
Good luck with your test,
I've had three colonoscopies in the past three years and have done a Lovenox bridge each time.
Not a big deal once you learn to give yourself the injections.
I never mess with my Coumadin unless it's with the concurrence of my cardiologist who manages my INR.

My son was fully anti-coagulated, in fact his was high (5.0). They just said that they would not remove anything if they found it.
I have yet to find a dr. who would do a colonoscopy while I'm fully anti-coagulated. I had asked that question a while back and it seems many have had it done, but like I said, I've gotten a few opinions and haven't found anyone who will do it. Guess it is up to your dr. I haven't been having anymore stomach issues lately (knock wood) so hopefully I won't have to worry about it for a little while.