Christopher's cath is scheduled...

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Well-known member
May 14, 2009
Orange County, CA
Got a call from the cardio today. Chris's heart cath is scheduled for June 1st. Any advice to help us prepare him for the procedure would be appreciated. I don't remember the last one and neither does he. He was 5 months old at the time.

Glad to hear he is finally scheduled. One unknown revealed! I was very worried before my cath.....but I did very well. I have not had experience with children and heart problems....someone will be along soon with advice I'm sure. Prayers for your family.
I don't know what to tell you. I've had my fair share of caths, and they're not bad, but I don't know if I would have believed that at the age of 10. They might want to sedate him . . . maybe one of the moms will chime in to offer some advice.
Hi where will he be having it? Will he be sedated? I used to think all children were, but have heard of some children that weren't, which unless they gave me a very good reason, I would not allow my child to go thru one awake, since they can let them sleep thru it. . Justin has had many caths, the hardest part for him has always been laying still for the couple hours after them, the caths themselves he doesn't remember at all. I guess if I had some advice I would find out if they have dvds in the room he'll recover in and if not take something to watch movies one. Most likely he will be home the same day
Change in plans...

Change in plans...

When I posted yesterday, we had a choice between June 1st and 8th. Hubby and I had decided on June 1st. I thought he had called and made it official but he hadn't. Then I went to back to school night. They are having a huge gold rush event at school on the 1st. When I told his teacher that he would be missing it both of them were so disappointed! She said that it would be a really great thing if he could be there. There will be no strenuous activities that he can't participate in. So we changed our minds. Cath will be on June 8th. Hubby will call and make it official today.

Hi where will he be having it? Will he be sedated? I used to think all children were, but have heard of some children that weren't, which unless they gave me a very good reason, I would not allow my child to go thru one awake, since they can let them sleep thru it. . Justin has had many caths, the hardest part for him has always been laying still for the couple hours after them, the caths themselves he doesn't remember at all. I guess if I had some advice I would find out if they have dvds in the room he'll recover in and if not take something to watch movies one. Most likely he will be home the same day

Lynlw, The cath will be at CHOC/St. Joseph's in Orange, CA. Don't know about their plan for sedation but I will insist. I had thought about that and I don't think he could hold still that long. He is very skittish and scared to death of needles. So, yeah. Sedation is a must!

We will check in at CHOC, have the procedure at St. Joseph's and then recover at CHOC. I know it sounds like a mess but the way the hospitals are connected, it makes sense to me. AS far as DVD's I suppose we can bring our portable player along if they don't have a player in the room. Thanks for the suggestion.
If Christopher doesn't do well with needles, you can ask if they will wait until he's had some gas in the cath. lab prior to placing an IV. I have requested it before and the wonderful anesthesiologist (who is also a heart dad) agreed. It made the experience less stressful. Christopher will likely come out with a bandage on his groin/leg and an IV and will have to hang out in the hospital for 5-6 hours afterward or overnight if needed. DVD's are a must or some other diversion because he will be drowsy but awake for a lot of the recovery time. The Interventional Cardiologist who does my son's caths. always gives me a DVD of the pictures. These will be great to take to any surgical appointments you have lined up.

Good luck on the 8th!
They kept Brian sedated for his and it was no big deal for him. I think when they are young, inexperienced and scared, sedation is important.
Obviously I am in my own world right now, but I am thinking about you and praying for the best for your family.
I was scared out of my mind before my First (of many) Caths. I watched an educational video 3 times beforehand. The experience itself was one of those "is that all there is" kinds of things. I actually enjoyed watching the monitors and seeing the catheter being snaked around the various arteries of my heart. Cool!

They will insert an IV before taking him into the lab. Then they will administer something like Demerol for 'discomfort' and Versed (or Valium) which can be used to take the patient anywhere from "I don't care, can I watch" to "I don't want to see or remember any of this".

The Cardiologist will inject something like Dentists use for local sedation using a very short and tiny needle. Then they use something like a knitting needle to 'puncture' the artery. Most patients only feel some 'pressure' during this part of the procedure. Only ONE member has ever reported being able to feel the catheter moving about inside their arteries. The Cardiologist will inject some (warm) dye everyonce in a while to get clearer pictures of the arteries. He will also measure pressures on each side of the valves which gives a more accurate number than can be achieved from an echo. Experienced Cardios can do a standard Cath in about 20 minutes, maybe a bit longer if the surgeon wants a cath of both sides of the heart to assess the pulmonary function.

My Back gets sore laying on a flat surface so I have learned to ask the techs to fold a hand towel lengthwise a couple of times and pull it under the small of my back. A pillow under the knees also helps.

It's NO BIG DEAL (after the First One :)

He should take it easy for a few days afterwards to let the insertion point heal.

'AL Capshaw'
My son had a cath and surgery at age 10.
The main problem i had with the cath was trying to get him to rest afterwards, same with his surgery he was up and about and i was still wrecked.
He as had 3 caths and been put to sleep every time. I wouldn't have it any other way. A little groggy when he first comes round, then he is fine and just plays on the play station all day. Is only complaint was having to use a bed pan. Didn't seem to have any pain at all.
I can only reiterate

I can only reiterate

what Paula and Lyn said. The hardest part is actually after the cath: keeping them flat with their legs straight for several hours in recovery. As you probably already know, it should not involve an overnight stay, although it will be a very long day. Somebody mentioned getting a copy of the films. That is a really good idea. UofM automatically gave us a set after Katie's last cath without my even having to ask. Hugs and keep us posted.
I just had a thought regarding needles. Do you know about Emla cream? IF they haven't mentioned it please ask ( ask for a prescription (I think it still is prescription only)a couple days days before the cath, you probably need to do it at home, so give yourself time to get some) IF you don't know about it, it's a cream that numbs the skin - you put it on about 2 hours before the needle (I'm thinking about the area where they will give the IV) you put it on pretty thick and cover the area with saran wrap) We've never used it for Justin, but if we did I would probably ask where they put the IV (s?) and find out their 2nd choice incase they don't get the first try. that way if they have to try a 2nd place that will be numb also.
I wouldn't worry about the groin area for the cath itse;f because he'll be sedated when they start that. I'd just use it for the IV's
Good point about Emla cream. We have used it with Idrees before too but he would get so anxious just with the thought of the needle that it only helped a little, but Christopher is older and may understand. I think it needs to be put on about 30 minutes prior to get the full numbing effect. I would definately let the anesthesiologist know that he will not be very compliant with the IV placement and hopefully they will work with you on it.