Hello All,
I was wondering how does someone go about deciding which valve is better for themself? I thought before my surgery was even remotely close that I would go tissue valve no matter what. But now that my date is coming closer, (I meet the surgeon July 18th) and I've read all the stories about life after coumidin (sp?) I am considering a mechanical valve.
Does/did you have a preconceived notion as to which you wanted? Did the surgeon's opinion sway you? How do you know what you think will be best?? I kind of confused and hoping things will get clearer after meeting the surgeon.
I am 37 and if I go tissue now I most likely will need to have my aortic valve replaced again. Take a chance that new technology will spare me open heart surgery or hope that a mechanical valve like On-X will be the way to go with less ACT...Decisions, decisions!
I was wondering how does someone go about deciding which valve is better for themself? I thought before my surgery was even remotely close that I would go tissue valve no matter what. But now that my date is coming closer, (I meet the surgeon July 18th) and I've read all the stories about life after coumidin (sp?) I am considering a mechanical valve.
Does/did you have a preconceived notion as to which you wanted? Did the surgeon's opinion sway you? How do you know what you think will be best?? I kind of confused and hoping things will get clearer after meeting the surgeon.
I am 37 and if I go tissue now I most likely will need to have my aortic valve replaced again. Take a chance that new technology will spare me open heart surgery or hope that a mechanical valve like On-X will be the way to go with less ACT...Decisions, decisions!