First off, not everyone in cardiac rehab is there for the same reasons, coronary artery desease caused by high cholesterol and plaque buildups in vascular tissues.
My cholesterol is GREAT. Always has been. Why should I take a medication that I don't need? What benefit, other than cholestorol reduction, does this stuff provide? Is it neccesary?
Humans have been around for a VERY VERY long time without this drug, why is it so important now for everyone to be on it?
I'm a little skeptical and would like a LOT more information.
Besides cost, all medications have side-effects. What side-effects to statins have? Do the benefits far outweigh these side-effects?
If such and such is going to lower my cholesterol 10% but give me a low grade headache all the time, do I really need to be on it?
I take an ACE inhibitor called lisinopril that causes a tickle cough in the back of my throat. I've had this cough ever since I started taking lisinopril a few years ago and I will probably always have it. The cough is annoying, sometimes downright bad, but I live with it because the ACE inhibitor lowers my blood pressure and eases the workload on my heart. The benefit outweighs the side-effect.
Without the lisinorpil, I wouldn't have the tickle cough any more, but I could slip back into heart failure. Which is more desirable???
Coumadin has the same kind of arguments as does many many other prescription drugs.
NyQuil was always my drug of choice when I had a bad cold/flu type infection. NyQuil worked great ot relieve all of my symptoms and it didn't knock me out like it does most people so I could run around and do what i needed to do as if I wasn't sick.
The ingredient pseudoephedrine in NyQuil is a stimulant which makes your heart race, even a normal, heart-healthy person's heart race. It's near "cousin" ephedrine has caused sudden cardiac death in a lot of people, including college basketball stars, and is banned from sale in most markets now.
Yeah, it may work great in relieving symptoms, but will I ever take it again???
I wouldn't take any medication unless my doctors, people I've known and trusted for many years, say it's neccesary to maintain (or improve) my health and even then I ask all kinds of questions about what the med does, it's effects on me, the side-effects, and possible alternatives if the side-effects seem to much to bear.