Christina mentioned in another thread about my drastic drop in cholesterol and triglycerides and her husband's difficulty reducing his. Not to start a debate, but I wanted to let her know that I feel strongly that my progress was/is greatly enhanced by fish oil supplementation. I also eat a fair amount of flax seed and nuts. When I lost 60 lbs and ate minimal fat and protein, the numbers weren't near as good. When I went to a high protein and high fat diet, I basically went against the heart association?s recommendations. I ate a lot of red meat, 4% fat cottage cheese and a couple of eggs a day. But I introduced "good" fats (fish, flax, olive oils and nuts) in my diet. I swear if I continued on the heart association's diet, I would have ended up being a diabetic with all the bread, rice, potatoes and pasta. My wife is a long distance runner and thought for sure my numbers would be thru the roof with the "diet" I was on. She was quite perplexed when my numbers were better than hers. I also drink copious amounts of green tea. My concern is that when I go to a MV with Coumadin I'll have to figure something else out. Just thought I'd share. daw