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I have been reading some posts and dont want to steel anybody else post. So i started a new one. I got steralized after having Curtis because i couldn't face the thought of having another child with heart problems,even thow there was only a slight chance this could happen. There is no Heart problem history in the family. Way ahead of time as usual, does this mean that Curtis children could be affected by his heart problems?
I actually was sent to a geneticist a while back and posed the same question about my situation, since I was born with congenital heart defects. Basically, he just said the chances are very slim, but it all depends on my spouse's genes and what the combination of our genes do. What's weird with my family is that my brother is squeaky clean & healthy, and I had all these heart problems. So it just goes to show you what the same combination of genes can do with different children, I guess.


Curtsmum said:
I have been reading some posts and dont want to steel anybody else post. So i started a new one. I got steralized after having Curtis because i couldn't face the thought of having another child with heart problems,even thow there was only a slight chance this could happen. There is no Heart problem history in the family. Way ahead of time as usual, does this mean that Curtis children could be affected by his heart problems?
Thanks, i surpose only time will tell. Its got me thinking now thow, i have another boy Craig but he dosn't have the same dad as Curtis :eek: . When he was a toddler i was told he had a slight heart murmer but nothing more was said about it and ive never thought about untill now. Hes 15 and doesn't have any problems but i'm wondring if i should have him checked out now. I'm sure theres nothing wrong with him, so should i just leave it?
mmm...interesting I had the heart murmur as a baby and that was the very first indication anything was different with me,,,we then forgot about it for 35 years.

I would get him checked jsut for peace of mind, I could never forgive myself if they had the condition and a simple test would have them under good medicale care so they dont end up here needing replacements..

I personally reckon in 15-20 yrs when/if their valves and aortas begin to wear-out there will be so much better medical options for them that its better they know now if they have the same dodgy-valve or not and to be treated or monitored for any changes,,,

i know for us it was a free service because thats how our medical system works for kids under 16...I would hope other systems are as generous when it comes to kids health.

now as for my understanding of the genetics of BAVD( dont know about your boys) it is inheritated autosominally-dominant therefore if you have a kid with it there is also a higher chance of having another child with the same naughty-gene :mad: ...thats kinda why I am going for 2 out of my 3 boys as well,,,and the male sex too , another more common dad only had 2 girls so i got a good dose of the BAV gene :eek: .
wishing you all the best in the testing
Paula, I very much doubt Curtis' CHD is genetic. He has the same as Chloe, AVSD and I was told (several times) this isnt a genetic one and Chloe's children (were she to have any with warfarin restrictions etc etc) would only have the same chance of a CHD that anyway elses children would have. AVSD is normally associated with downs children but even so the chance of having another heart child with any heart defect after a first increases to 3% rather than the normal 1% (1 in 100 children are born with a CHD).
Could always save it up as a question for the cardiologist when you next see him if its causing you concern
Love Emma
We obviously had no-idea what we were doing when we made our 3 boys .
2 of the 3 have BAVD, the oldest and youngest...

The genetics joint are counting the minutes til we arrive for testing... :rolleyes: ...
yes we have become an "Interesting Family Study group" :eek:

However I would have liked to have known that I had this nasty gene I was passing on to my kids before we went ahead and had 3 boys.
I love them all dearly and couldnt ever part with any of them so I am forever grateful to this site for giving me the knowledge I needed to find this out.

And yes echo's are the way to go. if its a 10 minute one your'e clear...if you get the full 45 minute plus version , well kids its probably not clear...that I know too now. :( .

These 2 boys of ours will have the best possible chance for a normal-life each thanks to me for being a pain in the back-side :D .
Hi, i am really sorry to hear about your boys, you must be devastated.Dont blame yourself, at least you know now and you can get on with getting them the best care they need.Ive decided not to get my other son checked, as mine is a totaly different situation.Curtis was born with his heart defect and i dont have any heart problems.I listened to Craigs heart through a real stephiscpope,( just something we have lying around.) His heart sounds pretty normal,must have just been a innocent heart murmer he had when he was younger. I will be thinking of you and i wish you and your family all the best of luck in the world Paula x

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