Chicago Bears "Up in smoke"

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Hey Gina,
Your are right, a nice new stadium. Hey if we run out of things to do at the reunion, maybe we can tour it. Just a thought.

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
Bears Stink!

Bears Stink!


So, did the QUAN-tity of restrooms really live up to the hype?

Our lackluster football team sure didn't!!!

So, did the QUAN-tity of restrooms really live up to the hype?

We were in a box. Large restroom. Didn't have to share. Not a problem. Food was fantastic:D Yep, we need to work on our game!
Great Pic!

Great Pic!


Hey Girl. Great Picture. Looks like you had a BLAST. (from all the smoke - a real blast). LOL

Go Packers!

Go Packers!

Remember I'm from Wisconsin and Alaska has no football team! Sometimes I root for the Seattle team, too.
Go Bears Go Bears.
Too bad.
I have been a Bears fan since I was about 4 and thought they were real bears. We were visiting Chi and I refused to leave because I heard the Chicago Bears were in town.

I am also a Bengals fan, they have the coolest uniforms in the NFL. I predict that the Bengals will have a winning season this year.

The Colts aren't bad (at least so far this season), but I have no emotional attachment to them despite the last 20 years in Indy.
great seats

great seats

Hey...great seats! Wish ours in Tampa were as close. Our seats at the Bucs stadium are so high (how high are they?) that when the blimp comes by, we have to duck.
Gina , what an awesome picture. I'm SO jealous. I still have hope, it's early. My Bears Avenue street sign on my kitchen wall is still right side up. I turn it upside down when they've caused me to feel shame and I turn it around backwards when it seems all hope is lost. But did they have to lose the first game in the new stadium to the Packers?

Go Bears, Go Bears, Go Bears.

Hey they beat Oakland, that was cool.