There are heart meds that can actually make CHF worse. My conversation with the cardiology NP this morning made some changes in Joe's meds. One of those was to stop his Cartia (calcium channel blocker). One of its side effects is peripheral edema and worsening of CHF. And it was right around the time that he was started on it that he started to develop worsening symptoms. She told me that she had other patients who had developed the same thing.
So we'll see if this makes any difference.
On the brighter side of things, Joe has been in very extreme CHF situations, and has always been able to weather them and have his symptoms improve. So we never give up on CHF.
I do have to remind medical people from time to time to not give up on Joe either. They do get frustrated, because his treatment margin is limited, like dancing on the head of a pin. But he's still here and still needs to be treated. It always surprises them when I mention that, since I don't believe that they realize that it sounds like they're giving up. They just have to dig deeper in their bag of tricks.