CHEST back and arm Pain

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Okay I don't even know what to do anymore. I made an appt for tomorrow with my PCP but have had chest and shoulder and back pain for like 3 days now!! It started in my chest area (left breast area) tehn to shoulder and now to back. Am taking way to much Advil a day and just started taking E.X Tylenol.. Any ideas? Have to go to work this is absolutely a nightmare .. I can't take much else going wrong.

Hey Erica,
If it was me I don't think I would wait until the appointment. I would get myself to the ER and go from there. I sure hope you get things taken care. I was hoping you would have a Healthy New Year.
Keep us informed as to what they find out.
Take Care
Get To The ER Erica....

Get To The ER Erica....

It's better to be safe than sorry....I know the minute I have chest pains that move like that, I go to the ER to be safe....Please...for your safety...go...I will be thinking of ya...Harrybaby :D :D


All I can say is good luck for tomorrow. I have neuopathy in my feet and that there is not much to be done yet, numbing in the toes occasionally. Be sure to insist in getting medical help and not just say okay. Good luck and take care and be sure to let us know what happens.
So sorry to hear you're suffering through this Erica. I can't offer you any advice, but I can give you my support.

All the best for tomorrow,
A : )
Erica, I'll be interested to hear what you find out. I have suffered with some similar issues for the past couple years and haven't gotten any definitive answers. Let us know and good luck.
I feel for you, girlfriend. Maybe you're just having sympathy pains for me? ;)

But seriously, did you hear back from your card? Did you call your EP? Did you do any of the things that we talked about yesterday? I hope you get some answers soon!


Niki - I called my EP yesterday, no return call. And teh EP is out the rest of the week. May see if his PA is in on Fri see her. Talked to Cardio he wants me to see my PCP first so made that appt tomorrow for 1:00. God, i can't believe how much this hurts. Sometimes it feels like indigestion but yet it's in my back/shoulders too. Also supposed to start Counseling tomorrow, hope the weather behaves.

Sherry, Anna, Mccln,Harry, and Dave,

I will let you know what I find out tomorrow from my Dr. i'm not leaving till I get an answer. And will be on the phone with my Cardio if theres any chance it's heart related - per my PCP. Thanks for all the advice!!


Really. If you can't drive yourself call an ambulance, REALLY.

In fact, that's probably better than driving yourself anyways. At the VERY least they may be able to hook you up to an ECG and see what your heart rhythm is like.

Pain like that is a big warning flag for heart attack. You may also feel it in your jaw or radiating down the length of your arm from your shoulder towards your hand. it's not something to be taken lightly and the symptoms can vary a LOT more in women than in men.

Get medical attention NOW, don't wait.
And so now that I flew off the handle...

First report of symptoms was a few days ago by what the message board post says...

What happened? Still there? If it is, chances are it's not a heart attack, that would have killed you by now.... :(



It's still there, very bad right now. Just took some more IBUPROFEN. Went to the Dr. seen the PA she thinks something muscle related in my back or shoulder. Just use Ibuprofen and let her know if it doesnt get better. Gr.. what a pain this is, on top of being sick.

Will keep you updated.
