checking in, saying hi...

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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2010
Hi everyone,
I just wanted to check in and say hello. I had my surgery back on March 1st. It went extremely well and life has been progressing to near normalcy ever since. This coming wednesday I have my 6 month follow up echo and the following tuesday I meet with my cardio to discuss the results. fingers crossed it is going as well inside of me as I think it is.

I can't even begin to tell those of you who are waiting for this surgery the difference it has made in my life. I had a relatively "easy go" of the actual surgery and my recovery wasn't too bad, either. Now, I can walk for an hour (or more when I have the time) at a time and pre-surgery I couldn't do that. I thought it was because I am overweight. I had no idea it was because my heart was failing. Initially the doctors told me I would only live 5 more years if I didn't have the surgery but a few days after the surgery the surgeon told me that my valve was significantly worse than any of the pre-surgery tests indicated and that, in fact, they had way overestimated my life expectancy without the surgery. I am thankful. I am thankful to the many doctors who helped save my life, and I'm thankful to this board for being a light in a dark time.

I hope you all are doing well and are enjoying this wonderful life!
Derek - Great to hear from you and that your recovery is going so well. It seems like only yesterday we were worrying about the Big Day, then we were agonizing about whether our recoveries were progressing well enough. Now we're "back in our lives" and I'm really glad you're doing so well. I'm doing well, too - maybe even better in some ways than a year or more before surgery. Life is good!
Hey thanks for the update! I'm glad things are moving along. Just imagine how well and "more normal" you'll feel in 6 more months! I'm 6 weeks and can notice some big improvements already, I can't imagine 6 months from now, and even a year from now. Keep us posted on the follow up, I'm sure it will be better than expected!
Hi Steve! Glad to hear you're doing well! I can't believe 6 months have gone by since we were in the waiting room.
Hi Derek,
Great to hear from you and particularly to hear how well you are doing.

Keep up the good work. :)
Glad to hear of your progress. People waiting for their surgeries need to hear the stories of those, like yourself, who have had successful procedures and productive recoveries. Thanks for sharing.
Norm of the North said it best, the waiting is the worst part and then once you're going through it, you're there, you're "in it", and it's not as bad as your worst fears.

it's funny how the human brain adapts to fit the environment. Prior to my surgery I used to get nervous before my echoes. so everyone assumed I would crumple under weight of the surgery. nothing doing. I found myself in the midst of it all much stronger than I ever thought I was. Now, six months later, on the eve of my first post-surgery echo, I am nervous again, because my mind has had time away from doctors and hospitals to forget that they're not as bad as you fear.

anyway, one other thing to point out to newbies: we're all still here. ups and downs, etc, but we're all still here!

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