Sorry to disappoint but Scios has nothing to do with ACE inhibitors (ACEI). Their drug, natrecor, is a recombinant copy of a substance the body makes, brain natriuretic peptide.
I suspect at least part of the real reason is that most ACEI are now generic and make very little profit for the drug companies. So there is almost no promotion of ACEI any more. However, there is a newer class of drugs that compete with ACE inhibitors called angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) that are still on patent and generate much more profit. These are heavily marketed to physicians and account for at least some of the problems with ACEI use. ARBs are not currently an acceptable substitute for ACEI in the guidelines with 1 or 2 studies showing them equal to ACEI for heart failure and about 3 showing them to be inferior to ACEI.
Of course, part of the reason is that in general, docs aren't very good with guidelines.