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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
ROSS - ROSS - CALLING ROSS............
Yesterday I went into chat. Nobody there - eventually after several tries, I pushed 'finger' and found two folks there but in another channel than me - I couldn't find out how to get there, Yelled for them to rescue me. I even POINTED the finger at the finger button and it didn't help. The others could see me like we could that time Tinkerbelle was on and we couldn't get to her. They finally all came over to the channel I was on and we had a nice chat.

My problem is, Ross, that I couldn't find out how to get from one channel to another. Typing in /HELP didn't help me. We decided that maybe you need to help the ones who 'don't get it' - like me? Can you give me a step by step? That is, without pointing the finger. Much appreciated. Ann and the rest
You have to click on help for the help menu then to change channels you have to put the following command in the message line and hit enter. /join 2 or /join 1 or whatever channel everyone is in. I sent you a picture in email of it. ;)
Glad I'm not alone

Glad I'm not alone

Hensylee, I needed to be rescued also. Jim had to come get me. It would be easier if there was just one big room rather than different ones, but I supposed if needed, multiple rooms could come in handy.

I will have to brush up on my chat room skills so that I can enter next time by myself. LOL
If the bloody thing worked the way it's supposed to, none of us would be having this trouble. We'll just have to live with it but meanwhile, everyone get used to the help menu and the commands that are in it.

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