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Well-known member
Jan 21, 2008
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio USA
Ok, so now I feel real stupid. Someone told me to hit the return button to send a reply. I can not find a return button. Then I got thrown off! Not my day. Maybe anther time. Where is the darn button???
OMG!!!!!! I am so embarassed! I was looking all over the place and not seeing it! DUH! Never thought of using my keyboard. Thank you for telling me .
I am...............I remember carbon paper! I was looking for a return button on the monitor screen. Never dawned on me to use the keyboard. I had my husband look too! I think they blocked me out. I can't get on the home page or chat room. It's not my night. Gotta laugh at myself! I will try again and if I can't I will let Ross know.
I changed your password, see your email. You may have to delete your cookies and log in then.

I love this thread - I understand completely. I have had many similar moments when it comes to computers.;):D

I did see a cartoon recently (I am sure it is an old one) where a person was looking at a computer screen that read "Hit any key to continue". The next drawing was of the same person looking frustrated and saying: "Where is the any key".:rolleyes::D;)
Thank you Gina! You made me feel better. Thanks Ross for the help. I kept looking on the monitor screen for return. Like when you send an email and push send on your screen. Just a dumb thing. That will be my claim to fame...........where is the "any" button. That I would know!

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