Charlie Rose

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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2005
New York, NY
I was about to watch Charlie Rose earlier tonight on PBS when they made an announcement that he had Mitral Valve Repair surgery last week in France. I am unable to find out further info although I tried for over an hour. Any one hear anything about this. As someone who will one day most likely need this type of surgery I read everything I can find on MVP surgery.
I wonder.......

I wonder.......

Harmony said:
I was about to watch Charlie Rose earlier tonight on PBS when they made an announcement that he had Mitral Valve Repair surgery last week in France. I am unable to find out further info although I tried for over an hour. Any one hear anything about this. As someone who will one day most likely need this type of surgery I read everything I can find on MVP surgery.

Does anyone know how to contact him and invite him to our site?:confused:

BTW- Who is Official Inviter?;) :p
We could try to contact the producers of his show. I will look into it unless someone else has other ideas.
Mr. Rose...

Mr. Rose... making me look bad :rolleyes: Maybe it's just speculation that he'll be back to work by the end of April, but I'm about to have MV repair (April 5th) and have told my employer that the doctor's recommending two months away from work (which he absolutley is!). No one's asked me yet, but today's my last day at work before surgery and I'm just waiting for somone to come up and say, "Hey, Pat, you're twenty years younger than him. Why are you gonna be out two months?":)
His job is to sit at a desk and ask questions (most of which I suspect he doesn't even write for himself). I could have done that from my hospital bed.
The French correction!

The French correction!

Harmony said:
I was about to watch Charlie Rose earlier tonight on PBS when they made an announcement that he had Mitral Valve Repair surgery last week in France. I am unable to find out further info although I tried for over an hour. Any one hear anything about this. As someone who will one day most likely need this type of surgery I read everything I can find on MVP surgery.

Don't forget Frenchman Alain Carpentier originated and perfected mitral valve repair back in the 1970's. When he presented his work to American surgeons they called it " The French Correction" !
MikeHeim said:
His job is to sit at a desk and ask questions (most of which I suspect he doesn't even write for himself). I could have done that from my hospital bed.

There's more involved to TV work than that.
My niece is a news producer for the Fox station in St. Louis. Granted, the show is only 1 hour long, but there's a lot of prep work, production meetings, sometimes a meeting afterward.

And I think being back at work at the end of April is very optimistic. But we all know of folks who went back at 4 weeks or sooner. A cardiologist told me that doctors often go back to work @ 3 weeks -- because they're self-employed. Maybe it's the same deal with Charlie Rose.