cervical stenosis anyone?

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Mar 13, 2003
Pinehurst, NC
Some of you might remember that I have had problems with mostly my left shoulder for a long time and then exacerbated the whole thing with a fall last spring. Well, the saga continues. The summer was spent in PT and pain. A MRI showed an undersurface tear of the rotator cuff, a "wicked" bone spur and a tumor in the humerus that looks like a benign enchondroma.

Several months ago my orthopedic doctor injected the left shoulder and I had a lot of relief but there remained this constant achy, burning pain. When I went back for a follow-up I mentioned a few other things that were creeping up my list of concerns. One involved sensory problems in my right leg and an area of numbness in my right foot, some numbness in my left foot, and a few other things that he wanted a neurologist to evaluate.

Skip ahead a few more months to now. I have had a MRI of my cervical spine and of my lumbar spine as well as a nerve conduction study. Yesterday I received a call from my neurologist. The nerve conduction study confirmed that the peroneal nerve in my right leg is very damaged. The MRI of my lumbar spine just shows a bulging disc which I take as really a pretty good report but the cervical MRI is more worrisome. I will not have the report in hand until the morning but she said it was pretty involved but not necessarily surgical. She listed a few things and then said I do have cervical stenosis. The next step is a cervical epidural at the pain center affiliated with the hospital on Feb.3rd. She thinks much of the shoulder pain originates in the neck. I don't know if I hope she is right or not. I do want to get rid of it though.

I don't know if others do this or not but I tend to concentrate on what hurts the most and ignore other areas. Now though, maybe just power of suggestion, my neck really hurts too. I think I'm probably just going crazy or something.

Do any of you have cervical stenosis? When stuff like this comes up I always have to wonder if those radiation treatments I had as a teenager play a part. Oh well, I can't change any of that anyhow. Sorry this turned out so long but I've been pretty bummed out about this today and am just using your collective shoulders.....thanks!
Hi Betty:

Sorry to hear you've got another ailment to deal with. (Although, I guess it's not another but a name for the one you've been suffering with already!)

My mother-in-law has spinal stenosis. I am certain it is cervical in part at least, it may involve more of her spine as well. Her complaints were limited to her leg, but it did cause her to be pretty unstable when walking because her left leg was so weak. She needed a wall or railing to walk. For a long time she was treated with mass doses of ibuprofen, which eventually took a toll on her stomach and caused her so much pain she stopped eating altogether. She was then taken off the ibuprofen and they did an epidural which worked like magic for her. I believe that was two years ago come May. She is still pain free. The stomach problems have persisted to one degree or another though. (She was taking something like 1600mg ibuprofen 3 times per day!)

I'm definitely with you on the "one ailment at a time" modus operandi and the power of suggestion is strong too--I find it much easier to pinpoint my back pain now that I know where there's a tumor. Maybe we're both nuts! :p

Hang in there...and here...take a cyber-hug. :)
Hey, Betty - it's terrible getting old, isn't it????

Sure can commiserate with you on the back stuff - just causes pains that won't go away. My back issues have all been lumbar; no stenosis, just a herniated disc. My 31-year-old daughter has lumbar stenosis, tho, and always has trouble.

I'm so sorry to hear you're having more issues. Take care of yourself; I guess you'll just have to lie around and eat bonbons! It's what we were born for, after all . . . :D
Hi Betty. Boy, that all sounds really painful. Just after I first found out about my aortic stenosis, I messed up my neck and had tingling arms, etc. The MRI revealed cervical stenosis (or maybe spinal, I just don't remember) and I thought that stenosis-es were suddenly out to get me!! Mine was so mild and came about by lifting things all day above my head (removing floor drapes, carrying them up stairs, re-hanging them later). All I had to do was refrain from using that motion (in any way) (couldn't look up sharply, even), wait several months and it did go away. Is there anything you've changed in your daily habits that might have exacerbated things? A new golf club? or stance (I thought you were a golfer??). New style grocery bags that are pulling your arms down? Higher auto to climb into? softer, out of date mattress?? (we bought ourselves a new mattress and it was the best thing we ever did!!! oh, we sleep so well now, hardly want to get up!!)

Also, might it be time to try some acupuncture? I believe that back pain is one of the places acupuncturists have the most success.

Good luck. I'm so sorry that it's all acting up. I know this can be very worrisome and painful. Take care.

Hi , I have a stuffed spine from top to bottom..and have had the epidurals facet-blocks and finally a neurotomy at L2/3, L3/4 and L4/5...

They havent tackled the thoracic or cervical-spine yet except for a steady-dose of pain-killers and NSAIDS which will have to be changed once I have my valve surgery.

Its isnt much fun and most days I dont know if its my back or neck or arm or legs thats hurting..add that to the constant spasms in my upperback and I am one confusing patient.

I just cart my ice-pak and heat-bags with me and swap as needed :rolleyes: .
I didn't know I was in such good company! Thanks, everyone. I'll take what everyone said to heart because I think you have been helpful.

I got the written reports and she had relayed it pretty well. I had to do a little researching today because I came across some unfamiliar terms. Do you believe I don't have F waves! :eek: F waves sound wicked but I found out we are supposed to have them. I had to laugh at that.

Aussigal, I took pretty heavy doses of aspirin most days for many many years and I quit it a few months before my valve replacement. Nothing works as well for me as plain old ASA and I really miss the stuff. Like you, I was concerned over having to change a few things around with the addition of coumadin to my life. Your back seems much worse than mine and you have my sympathy. I do love my little instant heat patches though.

Marquerite, I do do some overhead work in my job and I'm not sure I can avoid it altogether. But if it would help maybe there is a way.

Georgia, you want to come over and join me in a box of bonbons? I miss you.

PJ., You give me great hope for the epidural, thanks so much.