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Well-known member
Sep 23, 2007
Cold Lake, Alberta, Canada.
I have marvelled at the caring of many individuals manifested on this forum. If you have someone you'd like to publicly thank or appreciate, feel free to join me on this thread.

We have so much to be thankful for in our lives that to be able to express ours to some of the hardworking and supporting folks here, at this season, is just one more blessing.
One HeartFriend I would particularly like to laud is Phyllis, for her unwavering cataloguing of our individual surgeries and treatments. It takes a high level of empathy and concern for your fellow humans to do what this lady does on a steady basis.

Thanks to you, Lady P. for being there with your reminders and your prayers. I for one appreciate it.
Rossman is my hero! For his help, his caring, his diligence on this list and best of all for him just being the Rossman. He's always there, whenever we need him and I just love him for it.

It would be impossible for me to single out one or two to thank or pay homage. The two obvious ones if I could would be Hank and Ross. It is also impossible for me to express what VR.com has meant to me. Would I have gotten through AVR without VR.com? Yes. Many valvers have paved the way before VR.com was conceived and some paid the ultimate price in their part in bringing us to where we are now.

This community of caring souls has enriched my life in ways that I never would have imagined. All of you have become part of my daily life. Some I have come to love and others I have learned to tolerate. There are a few that have touched my heart in a way that will never be forgotten or taken for granted, they know who they are.

To all that have accepted me, loved me, tolerated me or even disliked me I give you my thanks. I have learned from all of you.

Be well and prosper.
pamela said:
One HeartFriend I would particularly like to laud is Phyllis, for her unwavering cataloguing of our individual surgeries and treatments. It takes a high level of empathy and concern for your fellow humans to do what this lady does on a steady basis.

Thanks to you, Lady P. for being there with your reminders and your prayers. I for one appreciate it.

Thanks, Pam, but I need to share these kind words with Mary- She takes one week and I take the next and cover for each other when necessary. It's a labor of love, we know how much it means to have VR.com members be aware that they are in all our thoughts and prayers and hope our best wishes follow them through the hospital doors.
I for one is very thankful for this site. For Ross and Hank for setting it up and keeping it up. For all of you, your support, your friendship. I don't post often but read every day. I am very thankful for this site and hopefully some day I can return the favor.
I've only been a member for only 5 months, and of course Hank and Ross should receive high HONORS and then some.
Then there the members who have taken me under their wing and they know who they are, and I'm truly greatful for their support and knowledge.

GeeBee/Gina in my mind can stand beside Ross and Hank
cooker said:
Be well and prosper.


Being the TV nut that I am, I thought that was ?LIVE LONG AND PROSPER"?????? :confused: :confused: (Star Trek song playing)

WOW!!! I guess Hank would be first, for coming up with this wonderful and virtually life-saving (or life-sustaining) site. Ross, for just BEING!!!!! Next would be all the original cast members that brought Hank and the others from a little heart felt website to what it has become today. Then would come those that pop up here everyday (some of us need to GET A LIFE), those occasional drop ins, and even those that post one or two times then disappear. I know that new ones will pop up here almost each and every day. To those I say welcome aboard.

When I first came upon this site in 2004, I was facing what brings most of us here, VALVE REPLACEMENT SURGERY. As Cooker said, and the Good Lord Willing, I would have probably survived without you but the journey would have been much more difficult and lonely. The support the folks here have provided to those that have come before, are here now, and those that have not discovered this mountain yet can not be measured. Some come for comfort, some for information, some for reassurance, some to find out they aren?t the only ones and even family members who have some loved one facing this unknown. Together, we have cursed, whined, fussed, prayed, said thanks and even had to say goodbye. Each one here is special. I also feel each and every one of us contribute as a whole to making this the place it has become and will continue to be.

Although I single out Hank and Ross for being there for us, I must thank each and every one of YOU for being here. Each of you (and I hope I sometimes do also) provide guidance, support, a shoulder to lean and cry on, an ?ear? (so to type), comfort, the occasional slap (when needed) and especially humor to help us get thru this life we have been blessed with.

Each of you should consider yourself special to ValveReplacement.com. I extend my heartfelt thanks to each one of you out there.

May God Bless,

Danny :)

Danny..I can't get past your avatar!!!

I say a HUGE THANK YOU To everyone at VR.Com.. all the advice and help by many even those that only post here and there.. I am grateful for this site!!
There's too many and I'd be afraid of missing somebody. Collectively, all the individual personalities and contributions are what make VR.com what it is....so thanks "everybody". Of course, I'd be remiss not to include special thanks to Hank as our founder and Ross for keeping the place humming.
I deeply admire

I deeply admire

Nancy .who joined Vr.com..June 9, 2001....and has posted 7,867......Nancy was the wife of her dear Joe..who had double valve replacements, double lung surgeries..and stood by him..all these years..until he passed last. Dec. 22..2006.he had many other problems..but she was always on top of them and shared her findings with us...:) .She always stayed by his side everytime he was admitted to hospital..making sure he was getting the proper care..and letting the doctors/nurses know..if he was NOT..:D Doing her research on things..that she thought was not right.. ect........She is a walking wealth of information on valve/lung surgery/ect..and is STILL here to share her thoughts...Still posting after a year..:) that her dear Joe passed...To me..that is dedication..to VR.Com...:) :) So, Nancy ..thanks so much for staying here and helping others..Bonnie

It was sweet of you to start this thread -- great idea. The only potential problem is missing someone who deserves mentioning -- there are so many of them. Of course, there is the Founding Father, Hank, and the indispensable Ross. But I would also like to sing my praises to the caring women of vr.com. They are always here for encouragement when it is needed the most. I just started to list some of them but realized I would be leaving so many out...

Maybe the "rule" of this thread might be that we name one. I'll do that: Granbonny. I always appreciate the wit and wisdom she provides us from downhome in Georgia. (I am a Georgia native myself, actually.) So keep up those posts, Bonnie. They are appreciated....
Ross (my secret love) and Hank who brought us together. ;) :D ;)

I also have to mention our top posters: Ann, Nancy, Karlynn, Mary, Bonnie, Phyllis, Cort, Bob, Al, Betty and so many more - what would we do without you guys?

And, Freddie, of course for her kind words.;) :D
Although everyone mentioned in this thread has my vote, I truly believe that every individual member of VR is a celebrity. On the day of their surgery, our VR "Star" is whomever is on the gurney being wheeled into the OR!

My greatest admiration is reserved for the mothers on this site who are here because their children have had valve replacement. To my mind, they model strength and bravery that puts my own to shame.

I hope all members give themselves a pat on the back--especially Hank. Without him, this place would not exist.

He is the man.:)
We too, are so thankful for this site.
Thank you to Hank and Ross. *big hugs*
Thank you to all those that faithfully respond each day, and for those that do it when they are able to. All of you touch our 'hearts'....thank you for being the special people that you are.
I would like to thank Hank and Ross from the bottom of my heart for this forum. They are the ones who made it and keep it going and going.

I would also like to thank the people, the first people who came to help me on that day in March 2001.

Christina, you were there for me and your counsel was so important. It still is. I have come to value you for your spirit and for the kind mannar you have. Kipling said something about keeping your mind when others were losing theirs. Christina, you always keep your mind right where we all need it.

Rain, well, then there now. You told it as it is and that helped me become strong..and fiesty. Your encounters with someone named Gleman, or something like that, showed me that where there is courage there is spirit.

Marty, thank you for providing me with the courage and the names of people, like Jack Ansel , who could help me with my problem. I knew i had the "stuff," and you pointed me in the direction of research to cover my "stuff." Also, I just plain like you because you are you.

Gina, from Chicago, the one who would not let me give up. I valued your sense of good and right. I also come to admire you because of your ability to see around corners and make things more visable. You have such a special way of dealing with the positive side of things.

And, Sagebrush, you shared your experiences and I knew we were not alone.
I enjoyed the way that you always had a down to earth way of dealing with things.

And to all the others who I have not named, those who were here when I was in need at first, and those who followed...thank you friends, thank you so much.

With the kindest regards,
Thanks everyone! I have learned so much from this forum. I know I don't post as much as some people, but I lurk a lot, and I am constantly absorbing information.
I have learned a ton of great info that I always pass on to my mom-thank you to all. I would have to say Karlynn-super nice always! Harry-always supportive, especially when I am freaking out. Betty always helpful too.
Nancy is the Webster's dictionary of this forum-she has seen it all and graciously shares it so we can learn too. All of you are fabulous and total troopers-I admire you all-not a wimp on this board!:) Thanks for all you all do-Deb