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"One to three pots of coffee a day may protect people from heart disease and strokes, according to research which contradicts numerous studies that have suggested that coffee is bad for you."

There, fixed! :D
JimL said:
I saw a T-shirt the other day which said:

That's me.
I've often thought that an IV bottle of coffee would fix me right up, and would be much faster than the nonstop cups of coffee I have to drink to make me feel human :eek: (no comment necessary) ;)
gadgetman said:
Now back to my "GO JUICE"!!!!! SIP, SIP, GULP!!!!!!

See, I knew you were on something!! That's some strong stuff you got there. Can I have a hit....I mean a gulp. [The previous statement was totally in fun...the only hit I get is from my wife's guide dog when he jumps on me and almost knocks me down].

But, I have to admit, I'm on Starbucks "Go Juice" everyday morning....ground in my own "Go Juice Bean" grinder.
