Cath scheduled for next week.

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I am getting a cath next week. As of right now my blood pressure is dropping to a very low level upon exercise. The ECHO shows a moderate narrowing and a moderate to severe the other thing. The Nuclear study ruled out my CAD, so they want to do a test on my value with the CATH. I am a bit nervous about what the test will tell me. I have had several caths, so I know what to expect. But not knowing when I will have to get a new value is what is bothering me. From what I read the cath is the only test that will definitively tell the Cardio what is really going on in there. So I am looking forward to getting the definitive answer about the value damage, just the unknown is killing me. I am sure some of you have experience these feelings.
Dont milk it

Dont milk it

Hey, if you got your opinions and you need the surgery / replacement, dont put it off. The waiting is the worst. My surgery is Thurs. the 28th. I am beside myself, feeling frightened, anxious, worried but yet relieved it is soon to be corrected with a small zipper installed. Stay focused dont let your condition worsen,,,,Good Luck!!! J

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