Phyllis Jean
Hi Cat Lovers, I posted some time ago about wanting to share our cat stories. For those that responded, "CatWoman, Christina, Hensylee, Granbonny, Wise, and Fauxclaud", any updates on your kitties? Any new additions? I would enjoy reading your stories. My cat Kirby is now 3 years old. He rules the roost around here. My husband and I are retired and can't imagine our lives without him. He sure is a lot of company. Hopefully he will live a long long time. My first cat, Nettie, Lived 17 years and died of old age. If any members (not just the ones I mentioned) have any thing they want to share about their pet cats, please feel free to share it with me, I have loved cats since I was a little girl. I love all of God's creations, but cats are special to me.