I saw the Reuters piece on another board I subscribe to. Can't imagine a cat doing this without provocation ... I suspect what occurred was the cat climbed out of/escaped its carrier and everyone in the cabin was scrambling to capture it and, terribly frightened, it ran into the cockpit and leaped onto the pilot, scratching him/her in the process.
At cat shows, a cat/kitten sometimes does get loose -- it leaps out of the owner's arms, cage door isn't secured, gets out between bars of judging cage, etc. SOP is to yell "Cat out!", all exit doors are secured and nobody, and I mean nobody, but the owner is recapture the cat. Too many good-intentioned rescuers can frighten an otherwise very calm animal.
I've flown w/ cats for 14 years. I have about 12 different specialized carriers for use in airline cabins; these are not the hard-sided ones you use to take Fluffy to the vet. Cats usually sleep during the flight. My seatmates don't know I have a cat under the seat in front of me. Show cats are bathed scrupulously for shows (longhairs usually require 4-5 different sudsings with rinsing between). BTW, the cat carrier counts as one of my 3 pieces of luggage.
Airlines differ on policies about animals in cabin. I fly American, which allows 5 in cabin, w/ reservation and $80 pet ticket each way. I think Delta allows 3 in cabin, not sure about other airlines' policies other than Southwest, which does not accept pets at all, other than assistance animals.