My parents are not happy with there current cardiologist. It is not that they do not trust the cardio abilities, but they feel that the cardio does not spend enough time with them and is rude. The office does not run well either. They live in the Marietta/Atlanta area. My parents are 67/71. My mother wants a doctor that is sweet, and an office that runs well. My mother has CAD. She has had a stroke and since then she has been even more stubborn and wants things just so. She is close to just not have any follow and stop taking her meds then deal with an office/doctor that does not treat her well. Any help would be appreciated.
I know that this not valve replacement related, but I figured some of you may know a nice doctor and efficient office.
Thank you very much.
I know that this not valve replacement related, but I figured some of you may know a nice doctor and efficient office.
Thank you very much.