Cardiac rehab and INR

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Well, I am still on my Lovenox shots (I test again Friday and pray they will be done by then). I am looking into starting cardiac rehab, but am now afraid that it too will affect my INR, and i will then need the shots again! I will be on them a whole week on Friday, and am really hoping that is it. But if I start CR, will that then increase my metabolism, thus bringing back down my INR, and making me go back on the shots? Should I wait until Friday and see what my levels are? I have this horrible fear of being on these shots forever. ON Monday my INR was only 1.6, so i have been taking 8 MG all week. Been out of the hospital one week now, and surgery has been two weeks.???
Don't panic and your panicing. Lets see where your INR is after a whole week at 8mg. Yes your INR is going to go down. My suggestion is hold off on starting rehab until this INR thing has a handle on it.


Despite the fact that I agree with the advice Ross has offered, I didn't notice cardiac rehab having a huge impact on my INR. I was doing a lot of walking prior to starting my rehab program. I did a lot of walking on a treadmill during the program. The biggest difference in what I was doing on my own and what I did while in the program was the formal monitoring that went with the program.

Give things some time to settle down if you feel that will help you and try not to stress.

Despite the fact that I agree with the advice Ross has offered, I didn't notice cardiac rehab having a huge impact on my INR. I was doing a lot of walking prior to starting my rehab program. I did a lot of walking on a treadmill during the program. The biggest difference in what I was doing on my own and what I did while in the program was the formal monitoring that went with the program.

Give things some time to settle down if you feel that will help you and try not to stress.


This may be so, but when someone is having trouble just getting in range, there is no need to compound the problem with more possible causes. It's better to get a handle on it first, then go forth.
I was a bit surprised that your Cardio was releasing you to Cardiac Rehab at only 2 weeks post-op. My impression is that most Doc's like to wait until 6 weeks before starting rehab. I got my release at 6 weeks and had to wait several more weeks to get into a class since they were booked so far in advance. (My local hospital does a LOT of Bypass Surgeries!)

Bottom Line: It probably wouldn't hurt to postpose rehab for a few weeks and get your INR stabilized first.

I think I will at least wait until tomorrow's INR

I think I will at least wait until tomorrow's INR

I get my INR checked tomorrow AM, and will see what happens. Cross your fingers for me! If it is actually in a good range, I will try to get in next week. I would postpone CR or do ANYTHING to get out of those shots. So wonder how I really feel about the shots? :eek: Im just a big baby, I know.


Should I be suprised that I was let out of the hospital with a 1.8? Or more suprised that it dropped to 1.6 after the first weekend I was home? What went wrong?
I just walked about two miles in a parade this afternoon, too, it was a leasurly walk, I hope it doesnt come back to bite me!
Can I just refuse the shots? Anyone else just plain say no to shots? I feel like a week is enough- I wasnt prepared to be doing this to myself. And I really dont want my husband to do it either, dammit.:mad:
Release & Range

Release & Range

I was released from the hospital before my INR reached my preferred range. I also got to spend an extra day in the hospital because I wasn't in range yet. Eventually, they decided that my INR was on the "rise" and I would be in range fairly quickly.

In my opinion, there's nothing wrong with putting off entry into rehab until you get where you need to be with your INR. I entered a rehab program at two weeks post-op; despite this, it was made very clear on numerous occasions that my entry into the program so soon after surgery wasn't the norm.

Since your aunt (the nurse) will be with you for a few more days, maybe you *should* let her show your husband how to give the shots...or teach you how to give them to yourself. (Alternatively, would your 6 year old like to 'stick it to mommy'? :)

I 'bit the bullet' and learned to give them to myself although I confess I did NOT do the preferred 'throw the dart' type of motion (I just couldn't get myself to do that!), but just 'touched' the skin and quickly 'pushed' the needle in (YEP, I was a wimp). It worked but I had a Purple Belly from side to side.

The basic problem coming home from the Hospital on Coumadin / Warfarin is that as you begin to move about more and get more active, your metabolism goes up which makes your INR go down. It can take a few weeks for you to 'catch up' and stabilize your INR vs. Dose vs. exercise.

Shots aren't Fun, but neither is a STROKE !

Unprotected AntiCoagulation could be even worse
than unprotected sex! Don't Go There.

'AL Capshaw'