I had one when I was eight years old. Addmitted to the hospital for three days, was put out (sleep) woke up burning hot. Climbed out of the hospital bed and laid on the cool floor. Nurses were very upset. That was in the early 1970s.
I had one two weeks ago. Outpatient procedure, got to see it all on the tv screen. (Really cool!) They gave me valium, but I honestly couldn't tell the difference. Felt the warm sensation from the dye. It dissipated very quickly.
They then moved me to the recovery area where a nurse monitored me for 30 minutes for problems, then back to the outpatient area to wait until I was released. The recovery nurse explained what he was looking for. I was told any of those things were extremely rare, but the nurse was by my side the whole time.
1. Drop in blood pressure (Could be caused by a hole near the heart leaking blood into the heart sack.)
2. Allergic reaction to the dye.
3. Bleeding from the puncture site (Femoral Artery.) It was bruised (normal), but they would check it to see if it got Hard, or swollen.
4. Feet swelling up or loss of feeling in the feet (Blood clot/Ischema?)
When I was released I was given instructions not to do too much over the next 24 hrs.(Skipped work.) and check the area for bleeding. If it was internal or a lot of bleeding, call 911.
I had some small surface bleeding the next morning, I put some pressure on it and it stopped. All was well, by the way, my arteries were clean.