Card Visit-Tomorrow

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Well I'll see my card tomorrow; I hope he's frank with me, I'm not
into games. I don't know if my fatigue is coming from the RA or from
my heart, but I have to find out. Even though my house is air condi-
tioned, I sweat up a storm just from moderate house cleaning. I never
did this before, but I never weighed 157 lbs before either. At 5' 51/2",
I'm not a lightweight, but everyone says I don't look heavy. But my
gastoenterologist said because of my tricuspid regurgitation, I have
some passive liver congestion and that makes me look pregnant. Anyway
I'll probably have an echo or a stress test. I'll let you know how it goes.

Rheumatic Fever at
16, A-fib, RA
Good luck

Good luck

Be very careful in this heat. None of us should spend any time outdoors living in any of the country hit by these excessivlely high temps.