Can't get in range.

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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2009
My range is 2.0-3.0 as given by my Doc.

My first out of hospital test last Friday I was 2.0 after leaving the hospital on Monday at 2.3. The clinic bumped me from 5mg x7days to 7.5x1 and 5mgx6. On Tuesday I was at 1.7. She changed me to 7.5-3x week and 5mg -4x. With a come back friday.
I am guessing that getting this right after surgery is tough with raised activity and metabolism being out of wack but, I just want to see therapeutic levels. Any thoughts?



Getting your INR in range after the OHS takes a while. Your Drs. are going about it slow, which is good, no sense in overshooting. If I remember, it took me 2 or 3 weeks to finally get in range, and then we had to keep bumping the dose for about 4 months as I got more and more active.

You're right on track.

Don't get discouraged ... it does take time to get in range, and by that, I mean consistently in range.
You seem to already have a good understanding of the factors affecting warfarin.

A friend, whose mother underwent 2 MVRs and had a mechanical, asked me not long after my surgery if my INR was in range yet. I beamed and said, "Yes, my last test was!" Well, the next test burst my bubble. :mad:

But I eventually got in range.

Whoever is adjusting your dosage sounds like she has a fairly good understanding of warfarin -- she's upping it gradually and retesting after 3-4 days. Any sooner that that is too soon.
It was 3 weeks after OHS that I needed a little bump up in dosing to keep me in range.
No problem at all during the past 4 years, just a tiny dose adjustment occasionally.

Since you are in the early stage of recovery, don't let the INR drop too low, it is safer to be a bit high, but I commend your doc for conservative increases.
An INR of 1.7 in early days of testing could have warranted a Lovenox shot or two.
I'm going thru the same thing as we speak. I'm on my 4th week of rehab and when I left the hospital, my INR was at 1.6. They increased it and 5 days later when I had it checked, it was 2.3. They upped it again to 5mg (MWF) and 7.5 every other day and it was 4.3 last Friday. Now I'm on 7.5 (MWF) and 5mg every other day. I think it takes a month or so at least especially with all of the other things that are going on with recovery. Metabolism, diet, activity level, etc... I'm just trying to be patient and go with the flow. Hope your recovery is going well.

like the others said (takes a while), but your post for whatever reason brought me back to how crazy I was to make sure my parents picked up the Warfarin on the way home from the hospital. I also remember hating to cough or sneeze. that hurts!
also, I'm sure you're aware of certain supplements may lower INR such as St. Johns Wort etc. I love greens, but I think Brussel Sprouts have a major effect on me. I eat a lot of greens, except Brussel Sprouts.
It took me 6 months to get in range consistently. As you heal everything changes. Diet, exercise, how your body metabolizes your meds, its all going to change so you just have to continue to test and adjust accordingly.