Can you punch a hole in this mans theory?

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I think you have to assume that square 2 in column B is worse than square 1 in column A. Both are different routes to the result of a devastated planet. Different reason, overall end-product is the same, IMHO.

For me the best answer this teacher could have presented is drawing a circle in the center of the grid encompassing portions of all 4 boxes. The truth lies somewhere in the middle and collaboration, compromise and open-mindedness are what is needed for the future well-being of the planet.

There are solid, well-respected scientists on both sides of the global warming debate. For me, the answer is to do what we can to be better stewards of our planet. It starts with the individual. Burying ones head in the sand and saying there aren't man-made environmental issues that can be devastating is wrong, but also the 10 year-end-of-the-world scenario isn't reality.
Doesn't come up on my screen either. But if it's global warming, there are two sides to this debate, though the mainstream media typically seem to give credence only to the alarmist, the sky-is-falling side.
Folks I don't care about the global warming part, heck take any subject and apply that theory and tell me he's not right.
Sorry Ross, applied on anything I still don't agree. It doesn't serve us well to proceed forward with things assuming that the very worst will happen and base our decisions on that. Although my husband would probably say that's the way to operate.:rolleyes: Try and understand all possibilities and prepare - sure. Proceeding forward as if the worst will happen? I believe it can damage finding the best solution.
So the moral of the story is - we don't need to worry about the equations of the first video you presented because we're just going to implode in on ourselves.:p

2nd thought - sure wish I started Google, MySpace or Youtube.

3rd thought - got a call from a good friend today. She filling in this week for a neighbor's "home" business while they're on vacation in the Caymens. This business makes them $150,000/year - and they have one employee. What is it???? Pooper scooper service. They make $150,000/year picking up dog poop at homes in the North/Northwest Chicago suburbs.

Moral of that story - if someone gives you s**t - hang on to it - apparently it's worth a lot of money.;) :D
I don't know that there is a moral to anything, but it sure is fun sitting and listening and boggling your mind.
Ross said:
I don't know that there is a moral to anything, but it sure is fun sitting and listening and boggling your mind.

One has to have a mind in order for it to be boggled.:D
It took me a bit to reply because I had to send that to most of my address book.

No need to poke holes. It's true.

I'd like to take that "nothing box" and stomp on it until all it's good for is recycling.

"I like this couch."

"I don't"

"Why don't you"

"I don't know"

"Well, is it the color? The fabric? The cushions?"

"I don't know, I just don't like it."

"Well, there has to be a reason you don't like it."

"I don't know"

How can a 49 year-old man with a Masters Degree not know why he doesn't like a couch?????? :confused: :confused: :confused: Total Nothing Box!!!!!
Karlynn said:
It took me a bit to reply because I had to send that to most of my address book.

No need to poke holes. It's true.

I'd like to take that "nothing box" and stomp on it until all it's good for is recycling.

"I like this couch."

"I don't"

"Why don't you"

"I don't know"

"Well, is it the color? The fabric? The cushions?"

"I don't know, I just don't like it."

"Well, there has to be a reason you don't like it."

"I don't know"

How can a 49 year-old man with a Masters Degree not know why he doesn't like a couch?????? :confused: :confused: :confused: Total Nothing Box!!!!!
I got the same answers from my sister about a polictical candidate during the last presidential election.
the correct answer

the correct answer

It's all part of the ECO system.