Can I have everyones attention for a moment?

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Hello to all and happy holidays.

I need to ask of all of you to please keep an eye open for active member birthdays and those new folks going to surgery. Birthdays are being missed and surgeries are going down without anyone wishing these people success or even letting them know that we are thinking of them.

If you see a birthday posted at the bottom of the page and no one has started a birthday thread, take action and make one please.

Likewise, if you know someone is going to surgery, please post their date on the calendar and when it's time, let them know they are being thought of. I know some of you are saying, ".....but I don't know how to use the calendar" Well tell ya what, when your not doing anything, go learn and figure it out. It's not that hard and very few people are using the feature at all.

This has been going on far too long now. Only a couple of people remember these things and it should be all of you that participate that do.

Sorry Ross

Sorry Ross

I have never signed in on the calendar but I will from now on. I really don't know how to use it but I'll learn. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

Have a very Merry Christmas and hopefully a healthier 2005.
I just don't want anyone feeling like they are not cared for enough to say Happy Birthday to or good luck, we'll be thinking of you during your surgery. I got that respect, most of you got that respect, I think everyone deserves that much respect. Maybe I'm getting to crotchity in my years, but I do hope that others feel the same.

It doesn't take but a few extra steps to make someone else feel wonderful! ;)
If I can post someone's surgery date on the VR.Com calendar ..ANYONE can... :D Just ask Ross :p :p :p :p :p Bonnie
Thank you, Ross. This is a good reminder for every old member and every new member. Makes everybody feel a participating member of VR. The site has gotten large enough that we need more than one or two or three persons responsible to post in the calendar about surgery dates, birthdays, and special events. We can even put in our own personal dates.

Some years ago we depended a lot on Nancy to put the dates in the calendar, but she's been quite occupied this year.

Bonnie's one up on me. When I tried it, I screwed it up.
So screw up, it can be fixed, but please do try and learn. Nancy's busy, I'm usually tied up now, but try to hit and see, Mary's been doing it and wondering if anyone else ever does, Bob's getting the hang of the calendar, so if everyone tries, this will be successful. :)

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