Howdy Folks, (Day 12 after surgery - still in St Paul's))
Seems I have been in the Urinary Tract Infection induced Twilight Zone for about a week
, however, finally something did show up in the cultures and the antibiotics seem to have kicked in
. There is hope that I might get out of here before a THIRD guy comes and goes from the bed beside me
!! And I thought being a relatively young guy with a good temperament would give me the edge
- apparently cranky old farts 75 and older seem to heal VERY well!!! They have been pushing people out the door who were coughing up lungs the day before. I should have been taking cranky courses before surgery to get the healing juices flowing
Anyway, just wanted to let everyone know that there does seem to be light at the end of the tunnel and that, funnily enough, nothing to do with my heart problem or the fix has given me one moment of problem - I can cough and sneeze with the best of them, my scar is some of the best work I've seen, not itchy red or sore, and I can only hear my valve if I put in my earplugs, lie on my left side and hold my breath
With luck I will be home by the weekend and will update all a little more fully on this journey. Thanks again for all the support.
Seems I have been in the Urinary Tract Infection induced Twilight Zone for about a week
Anyway, just wanted to let everyone know that there does seem to be light at the end of the tunnel and that, funnily enough, nothing to do with my heart problem or the fix has given me one moment of problem - I can cough and sneeze with the best of them, my scar is some of the best work I've seen, not itchy red or sore, and I can only hear my valve if I put in my earplugs, lie on my left side and hold my breath
With luck I will be home by the weekend and will update all a little more fully on this journey. Thanks again for all the support.