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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
Hi, all--

I'm walking in the 2009 Orange County Heart Walk ( since I missed last year's.

I just registered a few days ago, and the Hubster suggested I start a team. Originally, my "team" was going to consist of just the two of us, but he suggested: "Why not see if your friends from VR might want to join and walk with us?"

So, everyone, whether you live in Southern California or not (yes, that means YOU Debbie and Eva!), if you have vacay plans for this September or what not, I'd love to have you join my team and walk for the American Heart Association! Also, we could make this an unofficial VR reunion and get some grub after the walk!

If you're interested, log on to and click on "Find a Team." Type in the search area: Team North (can always be changed to Team VR later :)), and you can join from there. Oh, yeah, and the date of the walk is my birthday, September 13. What a great day to have it!


Sure! I didn't want to ask for $ donations as I don't want to come off as "yes, please send me money!!". My hubby and I set our goal for the minimum, $200. That's all we are responsible for raising as a team.
Debi, Congratulations on starting a team, and good luck in your fund raising. I will be heading up a similar team for the heart walk in Syracuse in April...hopefully the snow will be gone by then! :D