Calling all Yankees!

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
If ya'll think you're cold and could come to sunny Florida to get warm, guess what? We are about to have a winter storm that may bring SNOW to Northwest Florida panhandle. Been here 14 yrs and it has snowed twice. Not complaining, just wanted ya'll to know that sometimes it gets cold in Florida, too.:D :D
Talkin cold! It's 23 degrees here and snowing hard!!! Something it doesn't do here very often. This is Durham North Carolina not the mountains. Bring back the sun....
Hey Hensylee and Martha!
The snow just decided to leave us Idaho folks alone for a while!!! hee hee

It has been raining here the last couple of days, but I hear talk of an ice storm brewing :>(

Last week at this time it was 6 degrees. Hasn't warmed up too much yet, but I have hope!!!

Decidedly NOT JEALOUS!!!

We had FLURRIES!!! Listened to local radio on way to dentist and you should have heard the phone calls coming in from all over the county with reports of SNOW!!! It was the talk of the county. Zazzy, it's gonna be about 19 tonight! Come on down. Bringin in Miss Sally Sue for sure.:cool:
sunny south...not!!

sunny south...not!!

So far we've had 7 " of snow here in Raleigh NC..and it's still snowing like crazy. We are lucky to have nice young strong neighbors who called us to tell us they will dig out us "old folks: tomorrow:) The only happy person(?) arround is my greyhound Maxx..he's running in it and having a blast!!
Y'all come down to the "sunny south"
Hey you Southerners:mad:

Whadya doin' stealing our weather??? We've only had between 6 and 8 inches so far this year. We're having an absolute drought.
Snow......hopefully not anytime soon in these parts. Left the ice and snow back North years ago! Don't miss it a bit. It nice to have a clean driveway to pull out of everyday. Will probably have my moment soon. Boo hoo. Oh well, all good things must come to an end.

Hi Hensylee,

Be sure to send a few feet of it up to Maine. I'm heading up there in 6 weeks for a week of snowmobiling in the mountains, but they only have 4 inches of snow so far!

It has been real cold in Nashville, 12 degrees in the morning. All the snow went south of us, but looks like this weekend could get interesting. They are talking about snow on Sat, Sun, and into Monday. Personally I think it will all change before it hits. The largest snow we ever got here was back in the 80's. We had 11 inches, and that was the largest storm in the prior 23 years.

I haven't owned a snow shovel in 21 years, and don't plan on buyinh one now. I'll just sit on my hill, have the fireplaces burning.. and watch it melt. Hmmm... may even get some coasting in.. Whheeeeeeeee!!!!

I talked with a gal from the company I get my Gleevec from in Raleigh... she said that they had a foot of snow. Hmmmmmm... sorry Hensylee... no can do on the come on down!!! Think I'll stay put!
Watch out for those trees Rob:D Isn't that how you got into a bind?, tee hee. Really, have a great time snowmobiling! Wear your Helmut.

Have deiced to bite the bullet and slap on my skis next month. Call me crazy. It can be done on Coumadin. There are a few of us that are active and have come through unscathed. Yep, taking a chance...but I will only have limited opportunities to teach my daughter how to ski. That is one memory that can't be replaced. Surgery, Coumadin or whatever. After all of that......a little skiing pales in comparison.
I believe Rain Skis frequently. Rain? you know of any one particular Helmut that would be better than another?

Thanks, and have fun. Maybe we can all ride together sometime out east! First dibs on the seat belt :D
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Hey, Rob, if Maine fails you, try Birmingham, Al or Atlanta!

Gina - you go, girl. And enjoy teaching your daughter - can't leave this world without making many memories for our loved ones. Enjoy, enjoy.
Well the snow has stopped. Took a measurment and it was nine inches. The complex where I live is not plowed out. They don't have snow removal equipment, not sure they even have a shovel. They are telling people to stay off the road again today. Everything is closed, the only ones happy are the kids. Sure is pretty to look at though. Think I'll go out and make a snow man. Come on you northerners come and get this mess. They was a time twenty years ago that I loved this. Use to ski down hill and cross country. As time goes by...........
In addition to snowmen, you can make snow angels with your kids, or even for yourself. Lie down in the snow with your arms and legs straight and move your legs out from your body and move your arms in a sort of flapping motion. When you get up, in addition to feeling like an idiot, you'll have an angel impression in the snow.

A tip from a Yankee.:p
And how bout snow ice cream? And snowball fights? And snow forts? And hot soup when you get inside? And hot cocoa? Wow - I remember those days with my children.


You guys, it is all my fault according to my husband...I asked for and got snow shoes this Christmas! We have about an inch of snow here in south central Michigan. Bah!
OK Ya'll.

Time for this transplanted Yankee to go back in time some.

How about building snow forts, tunnels, seeing the snow banks on the streets higher than you after the plow went by? How about streets closed, and only us kids allowed on them with our red wing fliers? Then came the flying saucers. hehehehe

Watching the news at night and praying for the schools to be closed in the morning. Getting up and listening to the radio or TV for the school cancelations.

Hmmm... ever collect discarded Christmas trees and make Christmas tree forts.. and raid the other ones in the neigborhood?

Remember the heavy clothes? The snow boots with the buckles?
Ovaltine? Bosco? Old wooden skis with the metal toe plate, and leather straps?

Shoveling the driveway and sidewalk? again and again after the snowplows went by?

Ahhh the memories... <smile> hmmmm... do I have any regrets about moving south? Noooooooo!!!!! I still go up north to play in the white stuff... I just don't live there!

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A trip down memory lane!

A trip down memory lane!

"do I have any regrets about moving south? Noooooooo!!!!! I still go up north to play in the white stuff... I just don't live there!"

I love it. Feel the same way. It's kind of fun being a Yankee transplant. You will have the memories, and the best of both worlds. And aren't they different worlds at that

Some of my favorite memories were flying down the toboggan run in the park next to my home. Walking home afterwards and having hot coco waiting. Ice skating in the park on a blustery day. Having the snow piled so high in the middle of our culdesac, 'Y'all call them coves in the South'...... and zooming down on, oh yes you guessed it.... my little red saucer. Have one not so found memory of my sister sitting on my ankle all the way down, it was aching something fierce and I tried to push her off me. Imagine that. Poor kid. I ended up breaking it.. But, hey we had fun. What did we know, we were just kids. :D

My shovel is gone, but my sweet memories of winters past will always be with me. :)
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